Example sentences of "[adv] if [pron] or " in BNC.

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1 I would therefore vote for a Labour candidate only if he or she guarantees opposition to the party manifesto 's support for abortion to the extent of denying the Whip .
2 It is that a person who takes another 's car ‘ can escape liability to tougher sentences only if he or she can show , on the balance of probabilities , that either the aggravating event occurred before he or she committed [ the basic s. 12 offence ] , or that he or she was not present at the relevant time . ’
3 The problem can be controlled by betablocking drugs , so if you or your partner suffer , see your GP .
4 Similarly , a child who creates dangerous mayhem in the kitchen can not do so if he or she is taught and learns never to enter the kitchen .
5 The desire to ensure that the adult child retains an appropriate degree of independence can be particularly tricky in these circumstances , especially if she or he returns to live in the parents ' home and is dependent upon them for accommodation , child care , emotional support and possibly for money as well .
6 No person in a position of power was ever to be trusted , especially if he or she was on your side .
7 It is expensive in terms of paying the salary or the research grant of the researcher for this time , especially if he or she is engaged in no other work .
8 A child can not be behaving badly if he or she is doing something else , hence ‘ a competing behaviour ’ .
9 Also if one or other of the partners , well it would have to be the partner that was n't signing was seriously ill then the reduct deduction would be twenty percent .
10 Traditionally , the law has said that allowing someone who is terminally ill to die is lawful , but bringing about his or her death is unlawful , even if he or she consents or requests it .
11 Each person referred , even if he or she remained at home , was allocated to either the community psychiatric nurse or the social worker ( as key worker ) ; their case was reviewed by the team every six weeks , and was never closed , except by death or removal from the area .
12 Even if he or she does not answer to this title directly , there is usually one member of staff who has responsibility for supporting and assisting qualified staff with their continued professional education .
13 In saying that the power exists we were doing no more than to reaffirm the unlimited nature of the court 's inherent jurisdiction over minors , a jurisdiction which empowers and may require the court to override the wishes of a minor , even if he or she has sufficient understanding to make an informed decision .
14 It would be suitable for any doctor , even if he or she does not specialise in teaching .
15 At the moment it is the ultimate loser who pays the costs even if he or she happens to have won at first instance and in the Court of Appeal .
16 The court adjudged that , having requested access to a lawyer , a suspect could not then be questioned without the presence of a lawyer , even if he or she had already conferred with the lawyer .
17 A carrier of hepatitis B is infectious to other people even if he or she does not show symptoms .
18 The sad fact is that many organisations would be unable to recognise a customer even if he or she fell in front of them .
19 This is seen as an important means of getting away from the elitist concept and encouraging everyone to take a longer view , even if his or her immediate task involves short-term objectives .
20 The usual aim of the criminal is to remain anonymous , particularly if he or she wishes to continue to engage in criminal actions .
21 In these circumstances the analyst can not help becoming involved , particularly if he or she has elderly relatives in similar situations , and it is sometimes difficult to retain objectivity .
22 Another symptom is writing numbers or letters backwards — again a common enough thing to do when a child is learning to write , particularly if he or she is left-handed , or perhaps dyslexic ; and probably most absurd of all , children who refer to television characters as real people are showing signs of abuse .
23 To reach or exceed tough targets , an executive 's company may offer the incentive of a holiday abroad if he or she succeeds , and so the business executive adds to the swelling tide of international tourists .
24 Have you ever stopped to consider how you would cope financially if you or a member of your family were seriously injured in an accent ?
25 Have you ever stopped to consider how you would cope financially if you or a member of your immediate family were seriously injured in an accident ?
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