Example sentences of "[adv] would like [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Does he also agree that the imposition of the social chapter , which both parties opposite would like to force on this country , would not only destroy our competitive advantage but more importantly would destroy jobs ?
2 i think we all have to accept now that the only team in a position to catch the scum are Battyburn and in answer to Rodgers question I personally would like to see us lose the game 4/5–0 , this will at least allow someone to close the gap on them .
3 i think we all have to accept now that the only team in a position to catch the scum are Battyburn and in answer to Rodgers question I personally would like to see us lose the game 4/5–0 , this will at least allow someone to close the gap on them .
4 I personally would like to see the parishes of the towns doing it themselves , I do n't suppose that is possible now , but at least let's have somebody reliable and supervised .
5 The point I would like to put over is , I 've listened to one or two erm , radio programmes , and television programmes about this and I personally would like to have more evidence of what actually happens to the animals .
6 We all know what was happening , and er , and we , we , I personally would like to make sure that er , fire fighter valiance is , is congratulated in this Committee too , because there was extreme bravery on that occasion .
7 Erm and I just would like to offer this service to you .
8 Linfield chairman David Campbell meanwhile would like to see a decent crowd at Windsor Park next Thursday .
9 We 've made it clear what we would do with the money , I still would like to know what the labour group plan to do with it ?
10 Well , there 's so part , you know , what I thought , I really would like to do to camera , and I was a bit , thought , well , everyone 's gon na want to do camera so
11 And you know , I do n't want to enforce my morals onto someone else , or my ethics , and I really would like to ask people do n't try and do that to other women either !
12 For example : ‘ I understand that you might be disappointed that we 're not coming over at Christmas , but I really would like to take a holiday
13 its exciting , but that 's one thing I really would like to work with
14 Coolly , she said , ‘ I 'm sorry if I 'm bothering you , but I really would like to come on board .
15 That proposition presupposes that if you make a reduction in the district figures , then you must have an idea what the district contribution towards the Greater York figure is , er and I find it difficult to see that you can have , if you have a new settlement , if you have a new settlement the C provision for the new settlement floating in this table , erm but can I just say before we adjourn for coffee , that I really would like to have some very firm answers to the questions which are posed under issue two , er and particularly about two D and that is specific guidance on the location of the new settlement .
16 I think the officers really are to be congratulated , and erm , one ca n't sort of guess what could have happened if it had n't been so professional , but I suspect the fact that we won , what we 've won , is a result of the professionalism of our and I really would like to congratulate
17 Did you stop to think that there is more than enough going on in Cambodia to make people reflect pretty carefully about participating in the election at all — and that the fact that 4.7m of them registered ( for which they received nothing whatsoever in material terms ) might just suggest that they really would like to exercise the vote ?
18 I was n't backstage for all the police inquiries , and I really would like to know , ’ he appealed pathetically .
19 If somebody 's would l if somebody wanted me to sing I really would like to know er because
20 I really would like to comment further , but I 'm not able so to do er we have all heard the autumn statement er from the Chancellor of the Exchequer last week , following on from that we expect to receive the draft standard spending assessment for Suffolk on or about the twenty sixth of this month , er and it really is , will be er when we have that indication that er Policy Committee will give to er , pull together the strings for the preparation of next year 's budget .
21 In the meantime , I am sure if Millie here would like to go and see my cousin and discuss the whole situation , my husband would be delighted to provide escort . ’
22 Farmers and governments everywhere would like to make more productive use of the vast areas of the world that are arid or semi-arid ; land loosely classed as ‘ desert ’ .
23 ‘ Hey , guys , ’ she raised her voice just a fraction above the hubbub , ‘ if any of you out there would like to help , I 'd be delighted .
24 We 've had to set it up like that , because sometimes people working late would like to pick up calls , expecting a call , or pick up calls on a different handset , .
25 One of the things I again would like to see in schools is that sort of approach , which brings out what language is really about , and I think that that 's an exciting and possibly quite unexpected outcome of bringing computers into schools , but it will require that we do n't simply think of it as being ‘ oh , let's have a micro in the science lab ’ ; it is going to be as the government seems to recognise , a step involving curriculum design , involving helping teachers _ really , really helping them in a strongly supportive way — to do something which is , I would say , revolutionary .
26 But what I dearly would like to know is why you 're always so damned suspicious ! ’
27 Candy ultimately would like to work with Public Enemy and 3rd Base .
28 But before I move on to suggest we have a break for coffee , is there anyone else would like to pick up any points on the demographic matters that we 've been discussing , leaving aside the discussions on migration .
29 Right , is there anyone else would like to ask anything on the district wide plan to Councillor at this stage ?
30 Maybe someone else would like to use them .
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