Example sentences of "[adv] which [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Conservation of energy gave a good reason for putting all those sciences which dealt with energy in one form or another , and even those perhaps which dealt with its interconversions , under one umbrella .
2 On nationalisation , this local democratic pressure was removed , and most Boards took the statute as meaning they should do their best to extend supplies to rural areas even if they incurred losses in doing so which had to be made up from surpluses elsewhere .
3 Athelstan ignored the lustful glances directed at Benedicta , trying to curb the sparks of jealously which flared in his heart .
4 This case began before my use of LM 's and I prescribed Lycopodium 6C three times daily which dealt with the symptoms within a few days .
5 Hayman slammed the receiver back into its cradle and relaxed , knowing that he had done all which needed to be done .
6 The brothers found that on average over the six months they had incurred costs for advertising , petrol etc. which amounted to £10 for each bed sold .
7 This can be seen in the religious movements mentioned above which reacted against an orthodoxy which in its own way had a distinctly rationalist colouring , even though it was opposed to humanistic rationalism .
8 And the light room the machine case where the machine for revolving the five the lens which er weighed about five tons and there were this machine revolved the lens and it was machine was solid brass erm just which had to be polished e e every week and er oh beautiful brass polished brass and nobody ever saw these things you know except maybe the commissioners when they came round no no visitors there .
9 As an aside , I saw a cartoon yesterday which had to guys in a bar reading the newspaper in the year 2023 .
10 A surreptitious study of the timetables revealed that there was a bus at 2 p.m. which got to Darrowby at five o'clock , and another leaving Darrowby at six which arrived in Scarborough at nine .
11 After a bugle call to rise at 8.30 the day seemed to be spent eating : breakfast and lunch were followed by dinner at 4 p.m. which consisted of ‘ … soup , various kinds of roasts , fowls etc. , pastry , puddings … cheese and celery — dessert , consisting of apples , oranges , dried fruit etc . ’
12 I was in a car/taxi/bus once which shot through a red light .
13 With the arrival of a second seismic crew and an exploration well which spudded in mid-November , things are hotting up in LASMO 's Algerian contract areas .
14 An attempt to reconcile the cases was made in Taylor Woodrow Property Co Ltd v Lonrho Textiles Ltd ( 1985 ) 275 EG 632 , where it was held that a " two-way " deeming provision ( ie which applied to both landlord and tenant ) made time of the essence , but a " one-way " deeming provision ( ie which applied to the tenant alone ) did not .
15 An attempt to reconcile the cases was made in Taylor Woodrow Property Co Ltd v Lonrho Textiles Ltd ( 1985 ) 275 EG 632 , where it was held that a " two-way " deeming provision ( ie which applied to both landlord and tenant ) made time of the essence , but a " one-way " deeming provision ( ie which applied to the tenant alone ) did not .
16 Dundee United will take the view that there could be no more fitting postscript to the public dispute between themselves and the Ibrox club over Duncan Ferguson 's future than if the big striker was to score the goal at Tannadice today which brought to an end Rangers ' remarkable unbeaten run of 36 matches .
17 ‘ We have an article here which appeared in an American magazine . ’
18 The prosection claims they tampered with a statement in a fraud case five years ago which led to a man being jailed for six years .
19 Former Greater Manchester deputy chief constable John Stalker said he believed Warrington was chosen as a target because it was the scene of an attack a few weeks ago which resulted in arrests .
20 Nothing was said there which relied on any special characteristic of pain .
21 The inn was his vessel , the valley was the ocean , out there before him were a horde of small boats and pirates , flare ships and decoys , occasionally an enemy frigate or two hoving over the crest of a hill , sometimes a rich galleon sighted nearby which had to be pursued and boarded .
22 The IDA and the residents began negotiations again which resulted in another agreement to allow the short term use of the dump .
23 So , for example , moves were made to turn revenue spending ( i.e. which had to be paid for out of current income — grants , fees , charges and rates ) into capital spending ( i.e. which could be paid for from loans raised from banks and other financial institutions ) .
24 The defendant was there too which led to a row , ’ said Mr Crigman .
25 The revival of learning under Charlemagne ( c.800 ) was in the Latin tradition , and so there was an official reversion to the Roman style in the Imperial chancery too which persisted for centuries .
26 erm We had a conference recently which dealt with the tropical forest and some interested parties came , the timber trade , Friends of the Earth , this was a couple of Sundays ago .
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