Example sentences of "[adv] say [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 TSB and Yorkshire , the only other main issuers not to charge fees , merely say they have ‘ no plans as yet ’ to introduce a charge .
2 No , the two pro , the thing that the two prongs sit in is cracked so naturally say it had to go into a hole that size , right ?
3 Right , now , the next item is the press and we have a press officer , yeah , like to , perhaps say what 's been happening a little bit and , and you know talk about the next time .
4 Back in Argentina , Don Masson had been called in front of a hurriedly convened SFA meeting , where he changed his story , admitting that he had only said he had taken the drugs as an act of loyalty to his friend and roommate .
5 He wrote her a brief note merely saying he had had to go home owing to illness and had found , on his return , that he was to report forthwith to the War Office .
6 Yeah she was only saying ours has started to come through
7 Well we was only saying we 'd spent eighty something odd
8 why , I only said she 's got a nest on her head and she 's being horrible
9 At last she had breath enough to say what had to be said .
10 So that 's why we we make the advert curious enough or enough curiosity in it , no vagueness I suppose we make it vague enough to say I 've got to phone in .
11 Share salesmen , even after A-Day , have upraised their status in the eyes of clients by quotation of imaginary praise from other clients , e.g. " One of my clients is kind enough to say he 's never had a bad tip from me . "
12 Yesterday The Independent spoke to three Kurdish men picketing the Home Office who all said they had suffered torture and imprisonment in Turkey and were frightened to return .
13 Mr Clarke , however , had since said nothing had changed .
14 You just say it 's gone to minus one .
15 And then you just say I 've got five
16 Plus , plus I get extra as well whenever I ask for it she just gives it me I just say I 've spent it all .
17 Just say I 've popped down to see the .
18 And I 'm going well I 've I just say I 've had erm three operations on my toe and I too painful so the doctor said advised me to only do games if I feel okay .
19 Just say you 've got owt yeah
20 Well well you 've just said we 've got four definites .
21 ‘ They 've just said you 've got a great backside — and from a West Indian that 's the highest compliment you can have . ’
22 ‘ Too bloody true ! ’ he snarled , but cooled down marginally , though that dangerous glint was still around somewhere when he added , ‘ But since you 've just said you 've no intention of marrying my cousin — this is what you 're going to do . ’
23 You 've just said you have n't been around for several weeks .
24 Yes , well Molly 's just said she 's rung them
25 Whereas the Fire Precautions Act just says we have to do it , but it does n't say when .
26 my Lord then all , what , then , was not restricting competition because the people you have excluded are not people who would be in the market in any event , you are already saying we 've got the level of the , the , the hurdle , the wall or the barrier to such a low level that anybody who 's outside it , it is simply not a competitor , we 've got everybody in the market who could conceivably deserve to be there , but there 's no restriction , no you maybe excluding criminals or fraudsters for a , until they 've been re rehabilitated , er and you 're excluding people who simply do not deserve to be there as competitors at all , but no capability of right to compete and that 's why there is no restriction , everybody is in the charm circle who wants to be there and is capable of competing and that 's what the commission are trying to get the rules down to , making sure that no one is outside of the wall who should be inside of the wall and that 's why of course at the end of the day they can give their clearances , there 's no restriction .
27 We 're just saying what 's been on our minds for a long time . ’
28 Just saying you have put
29 Accused of being insolent , the private may say : ‘ No I was n't , sergeant , I was just saying I 'd been cleaning my boots . ’
30 The inspector coughed apologetically and placed his hands together , uncertain how best to say what had to be said next .
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