Example sentences of "[adv] as it does " in BNC.

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1 Modern writers do not over-stress a moral view but have sufficient faith in it to allow it to emerge , much as it does in everyday life .
2 This ideology relating to gender roles underpins the structure of sociology much as it does the structure of social life .
3 There is a certain doubt as to whether the universe is old enough for any Black Dwarfs to have been produced as yet , but eventually it must happen , and this will be the final fate of the Sun — though we will not be there to see ; the Earth can hardly expect to survive the Red Giant stage , when the Sun will radiate at least a hundred times as fiercely as it does at present .
4 ‘ Just so long as it does n't get in here . ’
5 Damp is acceptable so long as the cellar is not in use and so long as it does not rise above the ground floor dpc .
6 An extra incentive can be useful so long as it does not become a too regular ( relied upon ) habit .
7 Whatever we honestly desire , imagine and expect — so long as it does not conflict with our thoughts , beliefs and attitudes — will happen .
8 The silence may not last — but for as long as it does , the government has a chance to strengthen France 's macroeconomic foundations .
9 In Jordan v. Burgoyne Lord Parker C.J. made the point that the expressions ‘ threatening , abusive or insulting ’ are all ‘ very strong words , ’ and Lord Reid in Brutus v. Cozens repeated the warning against too expansive a reading of the section , observing that ‘ vigorous and it may be distasteful or unmannerly speech or behaviour is permitted so long as it does not go beyond any of these limits . ’
10 If you cut off your nose and ears before we perform , I shall not complain , so long as it does not mar your ability to dance . ’
11 It takes as long as it does for a dog to douse a tree trunk .
12 Moreover , the value of each gene can change any amount , so long as it does n't stray into double figures .
13 Where the plan is subordinate to the verbal description it may be referred to in order to elucidate boundaries , so long as it does not conflict with anything explicit in the verbal description ( Wiggington & Milner v Winster Engineering [ 1978 ] 3 All ER 436 ) .
14 By and large , Parliament and the judiciary have taken the view that free speech is a very good thing so long as it does not cause trouble .
15 ‘ So long as it does n't interfere with your work ! ’ he snarled , and , as if he could no longer bear to be in the same room with her , he turned and strode from her sitting-room , through her hall , and out of her flat .
16 Again and again in the night hours she thought of him , of his aggression and of the barely veiled hint in his parting shot ‘ so long as it does n't interfere with your work ! ’ that for all she had , so far , gone along with everything he had decreed , she could still find herself out of a job if she did n't toe the line .
17 It 's great — so long as it does n't rain too hard !
18 Whatever so long as it does n't matter , do n't worry about it , why you upset ?
19 We do n't really mind if people get an attack of flu , so long as it does n't kill them , er if you recover then fine , but , and that 's really what the vaccine does , so it 's , it 's , it 's particularly good at actually stopping people dying from , from flu .
20 I do n't know why this decision was taken , especially as it does n't seem to have been a well-planned one .
21 It can take just as much fortitude to go it alone as it does to keep up a public front .
22 It does n't come to me as easily as it does to you . "
23 And on these gravelly soils , the Semillon flourishes just as it does in Bordeaux .
24 Again , just as it does in the skin , X-irradiation kills off the stem cells and this soon has dire effects on the surface of the gut , giving rise to one of the major causes of radiation sickness .
25 But the mind always expresses itself through the body , consciously or unconsciously , just as it does in humans .
26 Some will actually feel that they are inside the body of the former self , and that everything is going on around them just as it does in ordinary life .
27 An element of choice faces the student , just as it does in real life .
28 The pangolin is a forest animal and at the same time a taxonomic enigma : it cuts across several distinct categories in Lele zoology just as it does in ours .
29 The neurosis of humanity arose out of the relation to the father , just as it does for the child .
30 In other words " blood " means death — the termination of life — just as it does in ordinary metaphorical usage ( see , for instance , Genesis 9:5 , 37:26 ; etc . ) .
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