Example sentences of "[adv] as [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 We argue therefore , now as in our sixth report , that among the critical requirements in an INSET programme are the following : the diversity of teachers ' needs must be acknowledged and addressed ; teachers themselves must be central to the process of defining their needs ; and to meet diverse needs there must be diverse INSET programmes : not just as to their content and level , but also in their style and venue .
2 As Thomas Becon put it in the sixteenth century , it was a ‘ duty of children ’ whose parents were ‘ aged and fallen into poverty , so that they are not able to live of themselves , or to get their living by their own industry and labour ’ , to work and care for them and ‘ provide necessaries for them , ‘ just as in their own childhoods ‘ their parents cared and provided for them . ’
3 Just as in their trade policy the Federalists are prepared to sacrifice the Member States ' economic prosperity for the political goal of a United Europe , so does the establishment of a Common Foreign and Security policy sacrifice their military and strategic needs to that same political end .
4 To explore them more fully , both as to their ‘ true ’ nature , and as to their relationship to the organizational types , a second phase of the study will need to collect additional data .
5 With respect to all of these elements there are widely different interpretations both as to their nature and as to the relation between them ; all of which have profound methodological consequences .
6 Such passengers would then be met by reception committees and crowds at stations along the route , as well as at their destinations .
7 So , for example , in 1978 , quite small traders were already moving money out of Libya for their close kinsmen as well as on their own account .
8 In other species , a proportion of cannibals is present whatever the circumstances , and will prey on minute shrimps and other freshwater animals as well as on their fellow tadpoles .
9 Portfolio choice will depend on how individual investors evaluate the alternatives open to them , as well as on their expectations of future interest rate movements .
10 Words could then be rated on their a priori distinctness as well as on their goodness of match .
11 As the holders of information on data as well as on their origins and their users , archives are in a unique position to promote dialogue on analytical methods and research .
12 IF THEY find themselves in a tangle at an anti-social hour , the United Nations men now taking over in Somalia will at least have the chance of talking it over with their masters in New York — as well as with their unofficial masters in Washington .
13 Built round a consortium approach the MBA facilitates the opportunity for interaction between managers from the I.T function and from elsewhere in the organisation as well as with their counterparts in other organisations .
14 Cloves are very aromatic and can be used for their scent , as in orange pomanders , as well as for their ability to flavour both sweet and savoury dishes .
15 Major grants have been given to churches for their townscape value as well as for their intrinsic architectural importance .
16 Many teachers belonging to the teachers ' union ANDES became actively involved in the struggle for political justice as well as for their own economic interests .
17 In such ways we learned to care for people 's bodies and homes as well as for their inner spiritual life .
18 From their ranks today will come the senior teachers of AD 2000 , so it is crucial for education , as well as for their own well-being , that this group is preserved from the fates of burn-out and cynicism .
19 I deliberately used transparent colours for their clarity as well as for their resemblance to the watercolour .
20 I have already said that anathema had been pronounced over the Avant-garde from the beginning of the Thirties , and that made it very difficult for the avant-garde artists themselves , as well as for their families .
21 Practitioners of such technically adept management , the new ‘ professional managers ’ of United States business schools , have recently been lambasted both for their failure to conceive strategies and to implement them as well as for their systematic choice of self-defeating strategies ( Hayes and Abernathy , 1980 ; see also Hayes and Wheelwright , 1984 ; Hayes et al. , 1988 ) .
22 All such options need to be examined for their effectiveness in reducing emissions so as to achieve air quality standards , as well as for their technical and economic feasibility , the speed with which they can be implemented , and their enforceability .
23 That is to say , it applies to novelists themselves as well as to their heroes and heroines .
24 So , while it is always worth seeking out the names of journalists who have a special interest in your subject , and if appropriate sending the releases to them at home as well as to their office , always be sure to send your releases to the newsdesk and perhaps to one or two others on the paper too if it is appropriate .
25 Nevertheless , specialist officers invariably have loyalties to their profession as well as to their employing authority and this further weakens the concept of a unified service .
26 As in every matrix structure , the operational roles have reporting responsibilities to functional managers as well as to their immediate line managers .
27 Publicise , make the ability to control birth available to the poor women in the East End as well as to their rich sisters in the West End .
28 Resolution 44/142 expressed alarm that drug trafficking and related criminal activities were now a threat to the political stability and security of states , as well as to their social and economic fabric , and asked the Secretary-General to prepare a comprehensive study of the problem .
29 With a statutory duty to promote standardisation , the nationalised Boards were willing to go ahead with these schemes , paying for the conversion of consumers ' apparatus as well as of their own mains , even where the returns to themselves were not adequate .
30 In conversation with friends , however , we need knowledge of their individual lives as well as of their social identity .
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