Example sentences of "[adv] as [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Because the cake is covered in buttercream it will not keep so long as cakes made with fondant , so eat it fairly soon after it is made .
2 Whether they did so because they ought to or because they were obliged to , so long as employers treated employees only just well enough , there need be no struggle between them .
3 On Feb. 6 the US Secretary of State James Baker announced that the US administration would delay submitting the CFE treaty to Congress for ratification so long as questions remained about Soviet compliance with the treaty .
4 Butenko called in particular for the establishment of a socialist civil society , based upon a wide dispersal of ownership ( so long as workers depended upon their employers , even under public ownership , they could never become the agents of their own destiny ) .
5 Vagueness was resorted to by the judge in Jenkins v Reid in order to explain why a reformulation of a clause was unacceptable and in Gledhow Autoparts Ltd v Delaney [ 1965 ] 1 WLR 1366 Dankwerts LJ criticised the phrase " districts in which the traveller had operated " as being too vague especially as instructions given as to where he should work were purely oral .
6 At its lowest level , the beakers could be seen merely as souvenirs bought at the markets , which sprang up round the arenas and race-tracks at festival times .
7 ‘ If what you say is true , I 'm not leaving him to drown , ’ she said defensively as Fen looked as though he might object .
8 The development process of the law of value into the law of labour expenditure finds its expression in the fact that by way of a plan , ‘ prices ’ in their semi-fictitious function ( i.e. no longer as prices determined by the ‘ barometric fluctuations of the market ’ ) consciously turn out differently from how they would spontaneously .
9 Just as materials offered to young children in the classroom can be chosen to provide them with experiences leading to the acquisition of mathematical ideas , so the provision and organisation of outdoor activities can encourage children to explore such things as balance , weight , height , depth , direction , speed , spatial order , shape and size with very little participation from an adult .
10 What is special here is the relaxed way they are grown , not just as climbers trained up fences and trellis , but also as scramblers , making their way enthusiastically over shrubs and tumbling over heathers to provide an added season of interest .
11 Finally we would like to reassure members of the sporting public that injuries treated in NHS hospitals will be given effective treatments just as footballers received in hospital departments Jacqui Moore MCSP , Hiliary Adams MCSP , A Wallace , MCSP BSc Hon.
12 She notes that ‘ clearly I am deriving pleasure , just as fiction-writers used to , from the mere fact of noting facts ’ ( 37 ) .
13 Just as astronomers sought for the pattern and the simple laws that must govern the movements of the stars and planets — making the world a real universe or cosmos , an ordered whole — so naturalists sought an arrangement which would make sense of all the different kinds of creatures that they found .
14 Here Alice and Philip exchanged , with their eyes , feelings about Jim ; exactly as people looked but did not speak , apprehensions over Faye — as if something there was too dangerous for words , or at least volatile , to be set off like a risky electronics device by an injudicious combination of sounds .
15 As soon as Topaz returned to Stone Towers she set about its renovation .
16 Mr Erlund said the firm was ready to take advantage of the market as soon as conditions improved .
17 Hob the gravedigger was buried late in the afternoon and Athelstan organised a collection , giving what he-could to the poor widow and promising her more as soon as circumstances allowed .
18 He had the invention patented , and as soon as companies heard about it there was an offer of investment .
19 Yanto , full of excited anticipation , had raced around to Bert 's garage as soon as work finished on Friday .
20 There is a conflict bet-ween the complaints of a leisure preference coming into play as soon as wages moved above that necessary to support customary living standards and the accompanying complaints of the " luxury " expectations of the poor , which were equally used to justify a harsh attitude to wages .
21 As soon as rumours spread through the principality that the nuclear investigators were coming , a strong political alliance was formed between Cornish nationalists , the Liberal Party ( which dominated local politics ) and the environmental groups like Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace .
22 But as soon as Nate heard about the latest strike , that was it .
23 Goblin Fanatics are released as soon as enemy come within 8″ of their unit .
24 Then they turned out the lights , the great brass chandelier with its false candles , and the moon 's lemony radiance lay as still as cloths draped over the shining wood .
25 TROOPS were reported to be patrolling the streets of the Romanian capital , Bucharest , yesterday as evidence mounted of a massacre in the town of Timisoara at the weekend and East and West moved to denounce the brutal clampdown by the regime 's security forces .
26 Two sisters and their brother died in their beds early yesterday as fire swept through their home in Forest Gate , east London .
27 BOND CORPORATION shares slid to a 10-year low yesterday as pressure intensified on the beleaguered Australian group .
28 THE death toll rose to 400 yesterday as violence spread to 14 of India 's 25 states .
29 SHOPS run by Asians became the latest firebomb targets yesterday as violence sparked by religious rioting spread .
30 AN Olympic swimming coach was suspended from his post at a top public school yesterday as police probed allegations of inde-cent assault .
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