Example sentences of "[adv] she [vb past] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly she 'd forgotten the darkness , suddenly she was only twenty-one .
2 And , that , you make me think of it , suddenly she 'd switched .
3 She had been one of them once , but suddenly she had gone a long way away .
4 In the car the contractions had started and suddenly she had felt excited .
5 And then suddenly she had swooped and practically ordered him into her car which , it transpired , she did not have .
6 However much she 'd fallen in love with Rohan , to him she was no more than a passing fancy , to be enjoyed then discarded .
7 In the other he clutched a fifty-p piece , a coin he 'd discovered the evening before in Mrs Abigail 's purse , which carelessly she 'd left on top of the refrigerator .
8 If only she 'd kept it up . ’
9 If only she 'd paid more attention on the way down here .
10 If only she 'd looked behind her , she 'd have seen how to avoid the discomfort .
11 He would have enjoyed the odd weekend in Brighton away from the pressures of London life , if only she 'd had a bigger flat .
12 If only she 'd had the courage to tell him she wanted to end their relationship when the cracks had first started to appear .
13 If only she 'd had the chance to ask him why he 'd had the affair .
14 And she could have done it again if only she 'd had the chance .
15 The signs had all been there if only she 'd had the gumption to read them .
16 She might live to rue this impetuous decision , but at least she 'd never look back with regret on what might have been if only she 'd had the courage to dare .
17 She often said in her letters , if only she 'd known how it was going to turn out , she 'd have taken the baby with her .
18 If only she had realised , on that first morning when she had seen Luke crossing the reception area of Woodline Design , that he would make such a shattering impact upon her , then she might have walked away .
19 If only she had stopped Jack in his tracks , at least made scenes , made a fuss , however mildly accused him , on the occasion of the first girl !
20 If only she had realized in time what was happening .
21 If only — the thought came for the first time — if only she had stayed with Papa !
22 If only she had seen him come into the shop — but she always seemed to miss him .
23 Let dear old Miguelito charm a new generation of English roses — Shelley had outgrown him , although she would always keep a special place in her inner being for that lovely evening when she and only she had had his sweet and undivided attention …
24 If only she had come in shouting ‘ What 's this ? ’ and chucked the lot at him , he would have felt something had been achieved .
25 Everything she 'd ever wanted laid temptingly before her — only she had looked behind the scenes and knew the display was a hollow sham .
26 If only she had looked more closely at his eyes .
27 Even now that his father was aware of his activities , it would not be the same ; only she knew the appalling effort he had made , only she had read the manuscript through and appreciated the clarity of his prose and the honesty of his outlook .
28 Obscurely , she felt that if only she had known before things might have been different , but then common sense told her that yes , things might have been different : probably they would have been worse .
29 Her enormous grey eyes ( they would have been rather striking if only she had used some make-up ) were staring at him with the expression of a trapped rabbit .
30 If only she had listened more often to her voices , how much better things would have turned out to be .
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