Example sentences of "[adv] they may [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Their children have grown up , perhaps left home and , however much they may love their parents , they no longer need them in the same way .
2 Neither I nor my colleagues are afraid of the hon. Member for Carrick , Cumnock and Doon Valley ( Mr. Foulkes ) or his hon. Friends who represent Ayrshire , however much they may frighten each other .
3 How I would love to be proved wrong by any one of them but parents and boys deserve my honest opinion , however much they may hate me for it .
4 What is becoming increasingly evident is how much we have to learn from dolphins — and how much they may have to teach us .
5 Once they had established that all men were equal before God and that all men were theoretically capable of finding out , for themselves , what God demanded of them , they could not confine that principle to the religious sphere , no matter how much they may have wanted to .
6 However much they may have disliked such labels they were unavoidable as the dramatic jump in their lifestyle was to have an equally powerful , and highly visible , effect on the company .
7 They march in columns so long they may take several hours to pass one spot .
8 In June 1873 , the STC reported that it was " scarcely possible " to speak with confidence of the numbers employed , " perhaps they may reach 50 [ overall ] … but the number is increasing at an alarming rate " .
9 Perhaps they may think the sport is in a period of relative driving mediocrity , ’ answered Jackie .
10 So there was the swings and roundabouts where had they not recognized and had come along with us , to the extent that we thought we could do our , a sharing objective er and it brought them out of the , the attitude that was hitherto adopted where well management really could n't care very much you know , if a man did suffer the loss of er five pound a week or whatever you know , and , and once it was made clear to him that there was no further er er use of the procedure and he could take it through his district you know , if he liked , the man did n't , well on exceptional cases perhaps they may have taken a case through , but er in the majority of cases the man just accepted it , and made up his losses er er later on .
11 Perhaps they may come to us if they 're going over to see Blanche and Tracey .
12 Nevertheless , even in a crowded warren , visitors in the form of young rabbits seeking desirable dry quarters may be tolerated … and if powerful enough they may obtain and hold a place .
13 to understand this so they may go to their immediate selfish interest rather than their long-term interest .
14 These early nautiloids were probably predators also , and if this were so they may have been the first rapidly moving , efficient hunters in the sea .
15 So they may have planted some more damning ‘ evidence ’ somewhere in my flat .
16 Pursuant to the Directives ' aim to promote comparability of the accounts of companies of the various member States , companies are required to adopt one of two prescribed formats for the balance sheet and one of four for the profit and loss account but in doing so they may use either the prescribed ‘ historical cost accounting rules ’ or the ‘ alternative accounting rules ’ which pay greater recognition to the impact of inflation by a type of current cost accounting .
17 Relatively unimportant as these smaller losses may seem compared with the main one , together they may add up to a total picture of her life which she feels has been shattered overnight by a single blow .
18 Rightly or wrongly they may feel unwilling or unable to adapt .
19 Since migrants and alien communities obliged to leave en masse usually return to their countries of origin , they are not usually technically refugees ; nevertheless they may find themselves in refugee-like situations .
20 Thus they may prefer to skip the next two chapters which are more theoretical .
21 Thus they may observe the whole earth and guard their master against SHIVA .
22 Conversely they may find it difficult to adapt to poor lighting conditions , and they may be nervous when coming indoors after being in brighter light outside .
23 Now Darwin got from this this idea that somehow sudden things are miraculous , are natural , erm but admittedly they may happen but I mean there is a miraculous element about sudden things , whereas things that are natural should happen gradually , and he retained this view in spite of changing his ideas about all sorts of other things , and let us now see why the gradualism was so important a component of his theory of evolution .
24 An important presumption to which we should all adhere is that existing frontiers , however inconvenient and however arbitrarily they may have been drawn , are the lines from which we start .
25 Clearly corporations exercise substantial discretionary controls over the timing and fullness of their responses to consumer demands , including the possibility that for a decade or more they may ignore them ’ .
26 During my year in office I want every solicitor to reflect on how his or her work serves the community and consider whether there is anything more they may wish to do in their practices , their local communities or their home lives which would widen their contribution . ’
27 As they begin to remember their younger life and what their job was or the day they went on holiday to Margate , the more they may begin to make links with things happening today .
28 There is , therefore , before any understanding of historic agents and movements , a certain aporia in all social ensembles : from afar they may appear whole , but close to , they can be seen as riddled with holes .
29 Also they may have heard of the legendary speed at which Pentos pays its bills .
30 At somewhat higher Rayleigh number theory still provides much understanding of the observations , but the experiments are less peripheral ; e.g. they may indicate just what flow patterns should be included in the theoretical analysis .
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