Example sentences of "[adv] they [vb past] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore they concluded that farmers had used this political power to prevent new employment in order to keep farm wages lower , and to keep rural council house building rates at a minimum so as to keep farm workers tied to their cottages .
2 He was due again and suddenly they heard that the prince himself was bringing him .
3 Perhaps they hoped that it would be able to hide in the fog .
4 Perhaps they felt that it had been a dream all along , always doomed , this fantastical idea that their young brother would go on and get himself a serious education , even go to college .
5 Perhaps they felt that the school had enough things going against them and they should be supported in doing something constructive …
6 Perhaps they feared that too many of his energies would be diverted to the campaign .
7 Mocking supporters of legalisation writing in ‘ sophisticated newspapers ’ , the minister said perhaps they believed that suppliers , unmolested by the police , would , ‘ as an act of Christian charity ’ reduce their prices so their customers did not have to steal and prostitute themselves .
8 Perhaps they thought of the militia fighting in Kampala ; perhaps they recognized that an awkward and in any case grandiose assumption had been pinpointed and pricked .
9 Perhaps they reasoned that even if he managed to slip clear of the ropes he would have so far to fall it would n't matter .
10 Obviously they thought that by letting this sort of thing out they would have an excuse for putting him away if he ever attempted to call their bluff , " Ha ! " they would be able to say , " Crazy ; read too much SF .
11 If only they knew that to him their revelations were but bricks in the house he was trying to build , rungs on the ladder of discovery , twisted curve-edged pieces in the current puzzle !
12 If only they realized that she was under strain .
13 When he got close enough they saw that its hind legs were twitching feebly .
14 When he says that erm that sort of , that 's what the C C P leadership thought and so they thought that if they were n't getting the land then something must be going wrong with the policy
15 So they knew that their orders had been deliberately disobeyed .
16 So they decided that once the christening party was in the hall which was gon na be three o'clock , they did n't stand much chance of erm
17 When they were in their room together they agreed that Sister Dew was ‘ a bit of a trial ’ and that seemed to draw them together .
18 Nevertheless they recommended that a committee should be formed from Gold Coast leaders to chart a programme of reform .
19 Thus they decided that : the number of governors on the school 's policy-making group , the management board , should be increased by three ; the right of governors to attend the meetings of all other groups in the school 's internal consultative structure would be formalised ; the governors would continue to establish task groups and working parties of their own and these would continue to be open to all teachers .
20 Thus they calculated that in 1970 only about 7% of adults over 25 owned any shares and most of them were ‘ smallholders ’ with less than 1,000 's worth of stock .
21 Tonight they said that question remained unanswered .
22 Already they knew that they were nearing the trees , for the burning Tower was low and far off .
23 Gradually they realised that their chances were at par , and dropped off , though wistfully .
24 And the more they talked about it the more they decided that it was .
25 It is in any case debatable whether the College could have survived in the face of such rapid growth in the private sector ; their lawsuits against usurping trade diminished once they realized that they had priced themselves out of the market and had little extra to offer than the trade apart from kudos and tradition .
26 They felt that with the Emperor 's death , their Christian God had deserted them , or had proven incomprehensibly capricious ; or more positively they felt that Allah suddenly was shown to be more powerful and
27 Formally but icily they replied that they " do not desire to interfere with any views which he may have towards improving his position in life , but they expect that he will give them six months ' notice of his intention to resign the mastership of the School " .
28 Minutes later they heard that Sokolnitz had fallen to the Russians , and the whole of the enemy right was threatened with collapse .
29 Some time later they heard that Tepilit had been hanged .
30 Clearly they thought that Solomon in all his glory looked far better than anything which was likely to be found growing in a field .
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