Example sentences of "[adv] not [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Although perhaps not strictly a technological issue , a review of multimedia 's technological environment would be incomplete without at least a broad assessment of the influence and significance of authoring tools .
2 Perhaps not quite a complete conversionbut the campaigns orgainsers say there is still tim e for the new religion to spread .
3 He thought about that : perhaps not actually a householder , just someone with access to the two houses in Mouncy Street , his own house and the one next door .
4 But his actions were perhaps not entirely a matter of cynical expediency .
5 It is perhaps not entirely a coincidence that his question was due to be answered today and the representations from the two trade unions arrived in the Department yesterday .
6 But his actions were perhaps not entirely a matter of cynical expediency .
7 For him , the first question is , ‘ By what criteria do we come to locate or mislocate sensations as being in some sense of ‘ in ’ in the right knee or in the pit of the stomach ? ’ , as though it were obviously not simply a matter of having the sensation in a certain place .
8 Marriage was obviously not simply a religious union but had profound social consequences and these were recognised in the formal legal changes of the nineteenth century .
9 This is obviously not always an easy thing to do , especially if we are in the darkness of suffering .
10 The most easily quantifiable , if however the most elusive , value in these factors is money , and so not surprisingly a good deal of attention has been paid to this variable .
11 I know the truth — Heavenly Father sent me a message , last night , like little Samuel only not just a voice , a vision , a terrible , terrible dream that would not go away …
12 In the Aleutian island of Unimak on the 1st April 1946 , a tsunami produced by a local submarine earthquake swept away not only a massive lighthouse on a promontory nearly 10 m above the sea , but also a radio mast and coastguard station with 20 men more than 30 m up .
13 The northern reinforcements were thus not strictly a private army , but were summoned to aid the protector against insurrection , although there may have been contemporary doubts about the validity of the distinction .
14 The northern reinforcements were thus not strictly a private army , but were summoned to aid the protector against insurrection , although there may have been contemporary doubts about the validity of the distinction .
15 Physiotherapy was thus not previously an allowable treatment unless included in the above .
16 They are thus not simply a mentality derived from popular religion but from a traditional Roman catholicism which held sway in catholic Europe from the post-Reformation period and remained unchallenged until the 1960s .
17 It was thus not just an ordinary collection of laws , as other previous collections had been , such as those of Burchard of Worms ( 1012 ) and Ivo of Chartres ( 1091 ) , but the beginning of the whole critical study of the canon law , the science of canonistics , indeed , of jurisprudence .
18 Capital is thus not only a political critique of society but it is also a criticism of the terms in which the economy was discussed at the time when he wrote , and a demonstration that these terms are moulded to the purposes of the system they pretend to analyse .
19 The dream process is thus not only a way of rehearsing new experiences but of commenting on them and resolving conflicts .
20 Social responsibility is thus not merely a matter of the adoption of changed standards on a voluntary basis .
21 She was not at all good-looking , or graceful , or winning , but a mere maiden ; possibly not even a country girl , but a London servant at the great house of Burdcrop nearby .
22 Yet this morning I am once more not only an unprincipled seducer , but … what ?
23 Nevertheless , this attitude was probably not entirely a matter of hubris since the Treasury may well have had genuine doubts as to the potential effectiveness of planning [ Brittan , 1971 ] .
24 However , the concentration of people with particular demographic characteristics is clearly not just a selective effect .
25 Erm all that sort of leads me back to where I started from , our perception of this survey is that it 's encouraging in the sense that it suggests that the recovery in the economy is erm widening and deepening if you like , it 's widening in the sense that it 's spreading to all the mainland regions of the U K and it 's deepening in the sense that erm firstly , although there are regional variations within this , it 's clearly not purely an export story and it 's not purely a domestic story , it 's a mixture of the two which gives us some reassurance erm it 's also deepening in the sense that there 's no evidence from the survey of anything which is likely to trip up the recovery in the short term , and remember that most of these er questions relate to the next four months , not all of them , but mo most of them relate to the next four months so one does n't want to extrapolate too far forward but nevertheless if you look at erm er most obviously sort of the the crisis and the inflation questions , if you look at er
26 But it 's really not just a closed coterie .
27 In it is Louis Jourdan , once fabulous-looking but now not just a shadow of his former self .
28 By providing an authoritative mark it introduces , although in embryonic form , the idea of a legal system : for the rules are now not just a discrete unconnected set but are , in a simple way , unified .
29 IT IS now not just a question of how long can John Major survive , but whether the Tory Government can stay its term .
30 According to their rhetoric , public morals were now not merely a job for the criminal law , but for a wide spectrum of social agencies .
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