Example sentences of "[adv] for [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And he will again introduce youngsters on the periphery of recognition — a policy which he has adopted successfully for almost two seasons .
2 Until its eventual collapse under the weight of accumulated economic pressures , the system operated successfully for almost 20 years .
3 The total number of books published in the UK has been rising relentlessly for over 10 years , but 1993 should herald a change in strategy from major publishers : Random House , HarperCollins and Reed Consumer Books are among companies to have announced that they are substantially reducing the number of titles that they will be publishing in 1993 .
4 In the South-West , 90 polluters were fined a total of £23,000 , mostly for illegally high discharges of agricultural slurry .
5 At any one time there are a significant number of women who are particularly distressed and disturbed serving prison sentences , mostly for very trivial offences .
6 Britain , after 1945 , still had worldwide markets , but these were mostly for relatively old technology products such as steam engines and steel rails .
7 Flat , green and verdant on one side , the other rises skyward for nearly three hundred metres like a vast cathedral spire .
8 " They may have been all right for very old children . "
9 And it will continue to campaign vigorously for more flexible working , better maternity rights and anything else that will ease the working mother 's load .
10 The canteens will start serving meals by Easter , catering eventually for over 800 people .
11 Divorce is common enough for even young children to be aware of it and to fear you may split up .
12 Claimed battery life is 4 hours , or enough for just 60 sheets of paper .
13 Even a picture measuring 30 × 25cm ( 12 × 10in ) , which is large enough to display quite a few flowers and takes a fair amount of skill , would only need a backing 30cm ( 12in ) square , so ½m ( ½yd ) of material could be enough for about eight pictures , depending on the width of the material .
14 Now of course there are other er forms of erm er o o of fuel er there 's coal erm and we have large stocks of coal in this country er enough for about two hundred er years er again you ask the question well why therefore is the , is the government coal cl cl closing down er a large part of the coal industry ?
15 The machine comes with 128Kb usable RAM , enough for around 350 address-book pages or 28 pages of bit-mapped freehand scribble .
16 It 's known as the Vadinamian Valve , and it 's big enough for only one ship to pass through at a time .
17 The road was wide enough for only one vehicle at a time , and she hoped she would n't meet another car .
18 Even streets wide enough for only one vehicle still have paint on both sides of the road .
19 These are enough for quite extended works .
20 This is appropriate enough for highly repetitive routine tasks because , as mentioned earlier , the operator is probably proceeding with little conscious attention and the limitation on performance is in the speed of the action rather than in the informational control .
21 Antonia made soft-porn movie The Pieman — about a one-legged hooker who has a romp with a pizza delivery man — ‘ because she had n't been working much for nearly two years and had no income , ’ said Amanda .
22 We both cared very much for very few people .
23 There is even a suggestion that rewards which are routine and expected may be more motivating that the ones given only for extra special effort .
24 Oak was occasionally used , but only for exceptionally important interments .
25 They 're only for very small things .
26 She was barely aware of the other models joining her on the platform , followed by Rainmondo himself , something he did only for very important clients .
27 Just occasionally , wooden chests were used as coffins , but only for very wealthy people .
28 Certainly some species are difficult to control because they rest in homes only for very short periods ; the Anopheles bolobacensis group of species in Thailand and other parts of the Far East are good examples of this behavioural problem .
29 Moreover , it broadcast only for about four hours each evening ; and ten years later it was still on air only 60 per cent as much as BBC1 .
30 He 's been like this only for about thirty seconds .
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