Example sentences of "[adv] to be take " in BNC.

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1 It was extraordinary , she told herself , how this little snippet of a girl seemed suddenly to be taking charge of her problems , and with such authority , too .
2 Flavia was infatuated enough to be taking this as a compliment .
3 He can only be placed in the lying position for effective treatment purposes when he can balance well enough to be taken through this pattern of movements without increasing his spasticity .
4 He was not foolish enough to be taken in by such tales !
5 I started crying and saying that he was only a minor , that he was n't old enough to be taken away , and had n't done anything .
6 They 're ordered to sit tight until the thing 's big enough and ripe enough to be taken .
7 This may be an injection or , as is increasingly common , a number of tablets or capsules all to be taken at the same time .
8 Already as a young man of twenty-four he had pressed Eliot 's claims upon his seniors , John Crowe Ransom and Donald Davidson , in the circle of the Nashville ‘ fugitives ’ ; and this initially provincial dispute was played out on a national stage as early as 1923 when , in the New York Evening Post Literary Review , Ransom , with the courtly composure that was to be his hallmark , tried to promote Robert Graves before Eliot , only to be taken to task in the same columns by his younger associate .
9 The Highlanders were eager to get to grips with the enemy and , after an opening volley of musketry , charged forward to attack Argyll 's right , only to be taken in the flank by his dragoons .
10 The picture of God at a man 's mercy is surely one derived from the story 's primitive origins , and no longer to be taken seriously .
11 We are also establishing a regional presence in the Middle East and Graham Hillier is soon to be taking up residence in Dubai to promote our activities in this region .
12 He was soon to be taken prisoner in battle against the Persians .
13 And the message was soon to be taken up by American-influenced scientific management in industry .
14 Tip 's first job on leaving school was as an apprentice at the old Tom Stewart clubmaking works at St Andrews , soon to be taken over by Spalding .
15 And the claim to autonomous ducal sover-eighty over a duchy was soon to be taken up by other princes — the dukes of Brittany , Normandy and , ultimately , Burgundy .
16 ( Chairing the meetings rests with the house manager , but at Washington Street this is soon to be taken on by residents . )
17 However , it is most likely that many expert tasks are also soon to be taken over by machines .
18 White Papers and policy documents are generally to be taken seriously and are therefore quoted extensively on appeal .
19 We talk of shaking with anger , trembling with fear , glowing with satisfaction — and these expressions are usually to be taken literally ; we do , in fact , display our emotions in such ways .
20 It is , however , the financial losses of retirement from the labour force that seem usually to be taken as the key to the involuntary shift from independence to dependency in old age .
21 He had a copy of Cnut 's Letter of 1027 , and his additions to the eleventh-century Chronicle have usually to be taken seriously .
22 The transparent ‘ honesty ’ with which he will say good and bad about the people he 's worked with and around has always to be taken as having a ‘ point of view ’ ; that ‘ point of view ’ is governed by what Niki is looking for at any particular moment .
23 Two key decisions , still to be taken , could make the difference between bust and boom for Berlin .
24 In the households of the small master clothiers of the West Riding woollen manufacture , though not in its differently organised worsted branch , the wives , daughters and female servants may well have spun wool for the household 's own cloth — " Prithie , who mun sit at bobbin weel ? " asks the wife in a poem of 1730 when set another task by her husband — but even so yarn had still to be taken in from other spinners .
25 The numbers returned in the student forecasts show a substantial increase , particularly in the latter part of the planning period , but much will depend on decisions still to be taken by the HEFCE on what constitutes an ‘ accredited ’ course .
26 A decision has still to be taken on whether to carry out further research on detailed conservation plans and to consult the Tsimshian indians , who hunt and fish in the area .
27 There are final decisions still to be taken over the introduction of the speed controls but it seems likely humps would be in place by September this year .
28 " The one central , reassuring conviction you have come away with " , he wrote , " is that it is quite impossible for Sevastopol " ever to be taken by the enemy " .
29 The ability of a monopolist to earn profit , or an organization with social responsibilities to make losses , is hardly to be taken as a signal of economic efficiency .
30 But , according to Haksar , what has also to be taken into consideration is the risk of violence that might result from not allowing people to express their feeling and here civil disobedience might be regarded as a safety valve .
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