Example sentences of "[adv] to [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perrier Pick of the Fringe The provocative South African satirist Peter Dirk Uys ( 9.30pm to 14 Oct ) plus the surreal , but this year more accessible cabaret/theatre duo The Front Lawn ( 11.15 12-14 Oct only ) in the last week of the Edinburgh Festival Perrier panel 's choice of the fringe .
2 A strong wind tore through the trees whipping the branches fiercely to one side while the rain swept across their faces .
3 For racial nationalists , all these influences led inexorably to one conclusion .
4 Alice could see that it was not going to be easy for any of them to admit obligation to Jasper , even though he was being correctly impersonal , sitting somewhat to one side of the scene waiting for their approval , the image of a responsible cadre .
5 The shiny black central sphere flicked suddenly to one side , jumped as if touched , like an animalcule at the bottom of a microscope imprisoned by the tension of a viscous fluid .
6 The recommendations which flowed from this committee , published in 1919 , owed much to one member , Raymond Unwin , and it is from this source that earlier years of experiment in site planning ( focusing particularly on density and layout ) , house design and standards of accommodation finally came to fruition as national policy .
7 Next year the stage and flytower will be extended — heightening the grid by 3.4 metres to 21 metres , and making the stage 3 metres deeper to 15.25 metres .
8 it was a it was full pass inside to two fullbacks er , for the Southampton player that was running on this fullback shaded it away you know , guiding him out of it , he 's running to the e sa Smeichel came out to the edge of the area but he was like right on the edge as the player was coming to him , so he just let it roll a little bit further , he stopped it with his foot , the guy came and tackled him off got it instead of just picking it up with his hand , I mean he was actually in the area but like he was right on the edge and he took a step back
9 I noticed that when Pyke was about to talk he put his head thoughtfully to one side and looked away into the distance .
10 Pushing a chair gently to one side , he placed it on the table and sat down .
11 Hands gripped her shoulders and moved her gently to one side .
12 Then , stretching out one hand , he pushed her very gently to one side and strode past her into the living-room .
13 Students may compete for the BBC Carlton Hobbs award which is given annually to two students from any of the drama schools ; the award offers a six month contract with BBC radio , as well as guaranteeing that vital entry into British Equity .
14 A long-term grain accord regulated the sale of US wheat , feed grains , soybeans and other commodities to the Soviet Union , increasing the total amount from the current 9,000,000 tonnes annually to 10,000,000 tonnes [ see also p. 37324 ] .
15 By 1964 there were 4.4 million TV sets ; a second TV channel began transmitting programming in April ; the amount of programming transmitted by the two channels rose from 4000 hours annually to 7400 hours ( 1964–7 ) ; the number of TV sets rose by a million a year between 1964 and 1967 .
16 Standardised mortality ratios from cardiovascular disease fell from 116 to 91 as the external conjugate diameter increased from 17 cm or less to 20 cm and over .
17 Weiser divides the 112 sonnets using I and Thou into four groups : those using the pronouns infrequently , without the sense of a personal relationship , amount only to four poems .
18 Now Ewaso Narok is , apart from the stranded earth-mover , home only to two bars and a shop selling soap , maize meal and other staples .
19 The maximum , I think we 've ever let at any one time is three of the six units , we 're currently down only to one unit there at Alberney .
20 In its origin [ Christianity ] presents to man and woman a glorious picture of sexual integrity : the Son of God who has become man and flesh , knowing from inside his Father 's work and perfecting it in the total self-giving of himself , not only of his spiritual but precisely also of his physical powers , giving not only to one individual but to all .
21 The time required for an eye movement is approximately 150 msecs , and so if the stimulus is presented for less than 150 msecs we can be certain that the image is projected only to one hemisphere directly .
22 The time required for an eye movement is approximately 150 msecs , and so if the stimulus is presented for less than 150 msecs we can be certain that the image is projected only to one hemisphere directly .
23 A crucial distinction turned out to be whether the stimuli were presented only to one side of fixation at a time or simultaneously to both sides .
24 Too often it 's a game where the rules are known only to one side .
25 Apathy is usually ascribed only to one side — the parents — and that is sometimes thought to give a sufficient reason for teachers and schools to give up the struggle of recruiting them as allies .
26 This can generally be ruled out when answers or messages include private details known only to one participant .
27 In such cases the publication is considered on an " item by item " basis : the prosecution may argue that obscenity attaches only to one article or photograph , and that the other contents are irrelevant .
28 Only to one thing were their hands turned with skill , and that was killing .
29 This system provided SDI ( Selective Dissemination of Information ) on current data only to eighty scientists who used a set of thirty-eight separate query profiles .
30 A light chaise or unburdened pony could have extended this perhaps to 30 km ( 19 miles ) , but any distances above those quoted would have required an overnight stop and consequently an increase in the prices of the goods .
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