Example sentences of "[adv] be many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Basilica Constaninina , now the Cathedral of Rome , S. Giovanni in Laterano , has since been many times altered and added
2 There have since been many battles at this strategic crossing place , but this was the first , the greatest and the most hard fought .
3 Not only are many consumers injured by corporate crime ; thousands of employees too suffer from ‘ accidents ’ at work ( which are in fact not pure accidents but events which spring directly from the conditions of production and are in that sense avoidable ) or work-induced diseases , such as asbestosis , lung cancer , and mesothelioma .
4 Furthermore , there will naturally be many covenants and other provisions additional to those contained in the precedents , but the tenant 's adviser will have to continue to tackle those himself , using his own judgment .
5 When the operation is carried out there will still be many sperm left in the tube leading to the penis .
6 While the BBC told us it would be ‘ done ’ in the best possible taste , there will still be many viewers who found the scenes last night disturbing those who can not see the forest for the trees .
7 But Health and Safety officials say they could still be many homes where staff are n't aware of the rules .
8 Needless to say , using both structures , there will still be many trainees who drop out or are deemed unsuited as advice workers .
9 There is no doubt tremendous strides have been made in certain sections of the North 's economy but that progress has been partial and there have also been many setbacks .
10 But , there will also be many instances where the oven is only working to half or less than half of its full capacity for most of the day .
11 At this stage there can often be many losses at the same time .
12 With there often being many routes to approximately similar goals , there would appear to be little to be gained from studying these developing routes through the design process , However , the constraints and objectives set on the way are seen to " steer " the designers towards similar goals by differing paths .
13 ( T ) here are many cases where a man who has a ‘ right , ’ in the sense of a liberty or capacity of doing an act which is not unlawful , but which is calculated seriously to injure another , will be liable to a charge of blackmail if he demands money from that other as the price of abstaining . …
14 Personal cheques drawn on overseas banks are generally difficult to negotiate in the UK and , even if accepted , it may well be many weeks before the funds can be drawn .
15 There may well be many entrance holes , many more bolt-holes and every outward sign of rabbit occupation in numbers .
16 Given this , he is clearly not the servant to ‘ Peace and Humanity ’ that Leeds University has billed him , and there must surely be many people who deserve the honour more obviously .
17 This gentle admonition did little to still the clamour of unilateralists in the churches ; yet there must surely be many Christians who have retained enough faith in divine Providence to believe that the world will not end unless God wills it and that , if He does , it will be for the best .
18 Here were many war-time refugees and exiles from every country in europe , with accents you could have cut with a cheese wire .
19 This was one reason why they played such an important role in the renaissance of interest in the classical world from the fifteenth century onwards : here were many examples of objects giving tangible evidence for events which could otherwise only be read about .
20 Thereabouts were many yews and crumbling tree-wrecks draped with ivy so that the place was more dark and forbidding than any they had yet seen .
21 Have there been many changes in church and chapel attendance since then do you think ?
22 Have there been many cases on the flats or has this been a
23 He wrote a poem about his friend Francis Thompson , and in it there are many echoes of his own sad youth in which he must have wondered often if his mind would flower too late for good .
24 Whenever I think about it there are many things which I feel I could usefully discuss with you :
25 Whether closed or open questions are used there are many problems of question wording .
26 Goram said : ‘ Not many people in England believed we could beat Leeds and I do n't suppose there are many Frenchmen who think we can beat Marseille either .
27 I do support this , which is Michael 's resolution because we should be looking at the financial costs and er going into the practical aspects of this and let's , let's face it er there are many aspects which are financially unviable and we should be aware of exactly where we stand on that .
28 At Leicester Square , reels of film-there are many cinemas showing films on the streets above us .
29 Miss D'Armande 's room in this hotel was a small one , but in it there were many mementoes of her days in the theatre , and there were also pictures of some of her best friends .
30 The Preface further explains that there had recently been many books published by amateurs , ‘ mere plagiarists , , who had confused names and caused trouble , not only to customers , but also to the growers .
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