Example sentences of "[adv] be find [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Tiny Andrew Morrison , who was born nine weeks early at the Countess of Chester Hospital , is among 481 children treated by a junior doctor who has since been found to be suffering from TB .
2 An aeroplane taking 22 men of the Special Air Service Regiment in June 1944 to be dropped behind the German lines to join the Maquis was recalled on account of bad weather , crashed somewhere in the wooded area near Dijon and no trace has since been found of the plane and its company .
3 LTP has since been found in all excitatory pathways in the hippocampus , as well as in several other regions in the brain , and there is growing evidence that it underlies at least certain forms of memory .
4 China and Taiwan claimed to have ended the trade in rhino and tiger products earlier this year , but stockpiles have since been found in both countries .
5 One of the lorries has since been found in Gateshead .
6 Higher readings than expected have since been found by monitors along the coastline near Sellafield , and even in the dust inside seaside houses .
7 Over 140 different games have since been found throughout Germany , Italy , Holland , Japan and , most recently , here in the UK .
8 The defences at Alcester have only been found at one point on the north-west side by the river , and are of two periods with a wall supported by timber piles , close enough to the river bank as not to need a ditch system at this point .
9 A. palmeri has only been found in the tropical western Atlantic in comparatively shallow water .
10 ‘ They seed all over the place and have the morals of tom cats , so are found in every flower bed , skulking behind hedges , peering round gate posts , naturalising in any open space .
11 ‘ But , as Pythagoras said , ‘ Truth can only be found through experimentation . ’
12 Faster responses will only be found for the activated meaning
13 People can write words so that they look like other words , or do n't look like any word at all , so the correct word can only be found from the surrounding words in context .
14 Whether the alternative candidates confuse the situation more often than they aid it can only be found from adequate testing of the system .
15 Reasons can only be found in the unique significance of human life and in the need to mark out , and to prevent , conduct which causes its loss .
16 Through the eyes of bishops we can catch an occasional glimpse of little groups of them ; but with the conversion of the Franks from c .500 and of the English from c .600 onwards , they could only be found in large numbers on the fringes of Western Christendom and in the outer darkness beyond .
17 If it had become axiomatic that the author ( or ‘ scriptor ’ in Ricardou 's terminology ) had become decentred and that the novel could not represent any psychological or social reality , then the origins of a text could only be found in the self-generating aspect of language itself .
18 But it will probably be around the time of the Full Moon on the 14th that you decide enough is enough and when you realise that success , solace or excitement can only be found in a different setting .
19 The real secret of masonry had been lost , he wrote , and could now only be found in other organisations faithful to the Ancient Mysteries .
20 Local food is an equally important subject , especially the ‘ local speciality which can only be found in this charming , family-run restaurant to which our helpful taxi driver introduced us . ’
21 The French chef from Montreal was not there , I soon discovered , because he was a she , and could only be found in the women 's changing room .
22 Healthy and happy Koi will only be found in perfect water conditions .
23 Called a snuffer , it looks like a tiny gold-plated cooling tower and can only be found in rather grand shops : Asprey , Fortnum & Mason , Selfridges and Smythson of Bond Street .
24 A bourgeoisie on the European pattern , distinct in outlook from the oligarchy that controlled the municipal government and the guilds , could only be found in the merchants and shippers of the great ports .
25 The plants lumped together under the umbrella name of herbs do not appear at first glance to be essential to maintain life , but it is now becoming apparent that this concept could be wrong , and that herbs are as necessary as oxygen , though the ingredients they contribute , such as minerals and vitamins , may only be found in minute quantities .
26 Henry II 's mistress , is told by CD in A Child 's History of England : ‘ It relates how the King doted on fair Rosamond … and how he had a beautiful Bower built for her in a Park at Woodstock ; and how it was erected in a labyrinth , and could only be found by a clue of silk .
27 Against this Althusser maintains that time , even chronological time , is not just an empirical entity , but a concept ; that though history may be articulated in general with chronological time , each history has its own temporality , which can only be found by establishing the conceptual nexus of the history in question .
28 Once you own a detector , however , you can start to take an interest in invisible losses … losses that can only be found by detector owners .
29 The outer circumference and walls will be more exhibition like , but can only be found by going through the tunnels opening into that segment .
30 Selection will be primarily influenced by the availability of software i.e. the programs needed to operate the microcomputer e.g. if a microcomputer has an information retrieval program which is fast , reliable , user friendly but can only retrieve items by searching under one term i.e. a book or slide set on SPACE can only be found by entering the keyword MOON or the keyword STARS but the pupils can not combine keywords and search for all items under MOON and PLANETS , then this program and this machine does not meet the needs of the school .
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