Example sentences of "[adv] be that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The standard Marxist critique of market relationships under capitalism has long been that what Marx called ‘ the noisy sphere of exchange ’ constitutes an illusory area of equality and freedom , one that helps to stabilize capitalism by obscuring the uneven distribution of power between social classes in the more basic sphere of social production .
2 The drawbacks of this style used alone are that it can be slow and you have less control over your objective .
3 ‘ Indeed , ’ said Bishop Jon , ‘ 't is to be hoped that the two saintly souls got on well together in life ( if so be that they ever met at all , which I take leave to doubt ) now that the lord King has made a packet of them , so to speak , for posterity .
4 The final reason for ignoring human actors can only be that they do not matter .
5 If I were looking for a fault with the conception of the series , it could only be that it lacks a single volume overview of the whole of the development of quantum theory , a volume concentrating on the broad sweep of ideas and leaving out the mathematical detail .
6 Nor did she think he could ever feel anything but shame for the way he treated them ; if he was now ready to pretend otherwise , it would only be that he saw some advantage in it .
7 The problem that is now faced apparently is that there is not a sufficient number of paediatric specialists available to give clinical care .
8 And the net result of all of these things together is that it narrowed the cost value differentials between U K and overseas holidays .
9 The situation basically is that I am confident I can come to accommodation with Norfolk from my way of thinking as the neighbouring Highway Authority , those the people we 've got to er to make certain are on site , I 'm sure , I 'm confident enough to do that .
10 That 's what I 'm saying , right , now , what I 'm saying is there 's a , that , that , is , there 's , there 's , there 's , there 's things , there 's things , there 's guides to be able to do that , right , and the guide is there 's certain things you do and certain things you do n't do , because what you do basically is that you close him on his final objection which is what you 're just saying you did , right , but you close him on his final objection , how did you manage to close him on his final objection ?
11 The trouble with reaching all day long is that there are no aims to your sailing .
12 ‘ The reason people have been concerned about this case for so long is that it is about far bigger issues .
13 We also showed that grade two do significantly better than grade three , but most importantly perhaps is that we showed that patients with a vascular count that are less than twenty one do significantly better than patients with a vascular count of greater or equal to twenty one .
14 One reason why that will be so is that we have a coherent approach to Europe , not one that changes every weekend .
15 Stated generally , the fundamental rationale he offers for having to do so is that he , either himself or as the agent of society , knew better than the patient what should be done to or for the patient .
16 His motive for doing so is that he thinks that English verse has been ill-served by prosodists in the past .
17 The ICRF is such a worthy cause and what makes it particularly so is that it uses just 8p out of every £1 for administration , meaning 92p really goes on advancing the research , ’ she said .
18 Montaner is simple , just a huge keep and a walled enclosure ; this , in fact , is a regular polygon of twenty sides , though the angles are so gentle with that many sides that the feeling you have once you are inside is that it is circular .
19 Certainly not , and I think that that 's one of the things that causes people to be to switch off when you mention computers and think ‘ oh , I ca n't understand that ’ because their experience at school perhaps was that they could n't understand mathematics anyway .
20 His statement to the conference and to me personally was that it was a Sunday issue .
21 Er I mean it could just be that they do n't like it , so anything which they do n't like is grating or
22 We might think that any differences reflected poorer performance but it may just be that they merely reflect the different impact of specific price changes on drugs compared with books .
23 But it might just be that we ca n't have both and we ca n't ensure that people vote from the right from moral motivation rather than personal interest and we ca n't ensure vote
24 Furthermore , it could just be that his union might contain diverse political factions within it which , thanks to years of forced and unenforced apartheid , have come to permeate every fabric of society and may well have forced SARU into an on-going powerplay with SARB .
25 It could just be that you are the indirect cause of the complaint and the action you take has a consequential impact on the customer .
26 It could just be that you 're the person in your family who knows what 's on all those video tapes that nobody 's labelled up .
27 The second characteristic of the type of statements given above is that they are stereotyped : the social argument against rural primary school closure generally consists of some or all of the following assertions :
28 Another assumption underlying the use of the first 10 methods listed above is that you are able to analyse carefully not merely what is going wrong but why .
29 Because I think it 's ironic a lot of what 's come out of this discussion tonight is that we 're actually considering relationships which are treasons , fundamentals
30 Er , now the the point I really want to refer to is erm just what role an auditor ought to play er in the er insurance and financial service industry in looking at particular firms , erm I have several interests which the honourable member for Edinburgh central knows about , er the one that I think is relevant er to tonight is that I am an elected member of the insurance brokers registration council and the way that erm the way that we regulate insurance brokers erm is laid down by statute but it does actually demonstrate the advantage , the benefit of erm of having a statutory requirement for audit and for er a proper oversight of what then follows in terms of the way that the regulator reacts to what the auditor may say .
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