Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [am/are] [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 Such a result would mean one of the largest-ever Labour intakes , with at least 120 new faces joining the 206 Labour MPs standing for re-election — most of whom are confident of winning .
2 In an era of sponsorship , personal endorsement and a volatile transfer market , it is not surprising that footballers — some of whom are incapable of managing their own toilet-bag — should turn to specialist agents .
3 Well , I happen to know quite a lot of clever , amusing , wise , energetic old people who are excellent company and among whom are several of my friends .
4 Most clients are first time offenders who are ignorant of their rights and the process through which they are being put ( Thomas and Smith 1978 ) .
5 Says Jim Cummins : ‘ Kids who are proud of who they are and who have no ambivalence about that have no problems in school ’ .
6 It is therefore an important indicator of the linguistic concerns of educationalists who are convinced of the importance of language in education but whose own frame of reference is pedagogically rather than linguistically oriented .
7 People who are shy of speaking out in front of all the other governors may feel more confident in a sub-committee .
8 Tony Ward , British Athletics Federation spokesman , said : ‘ If the DLV , who are one of the leading four or five federations in the world , say they 're running out of funds , it should be a warning bell for the IAAF .
9 In their group they not only face Hong Kong , who won the plate competition last season , but also Italy who are one of the eight seeded teams .
10 While there is still a great deal to be done in both these fields , there are few people who are unaware of the terms and what they mean .
11 The ‘ poor ’ become the spiritually impoverished , the ‘ captives ’ those who are enslaved to sin , the ‘ blind ’ those who are unaware of their spiritual plight .
12 We are in a changing era ; more and more we have people who are unaware of these therapies , but equally want to know what is going on .
13 Who are all of them ? ’ said Lee running his finger along the rows of heads .
14 The covenant was not just an important past event preserved by tradition but was the theme of what Gunnell calls ‘ a communal drama played out between Yahweh — He who will be there — and His people in time ’ , for in the words of Deuteronomy 5 : 3 , ‘ The Lord made not this covenant with our fathers , but with us , even us , who are all of us here alive this day . ’
15 Some men and women who are sure of and comfortable with their predominant gender are able to express their ‘ other half ’ , some people much less so .
16 Even among women who are sure of their dates the incidence of post-term pregnancy can be halved if an early ultrasound scan is performed .
17 Surely it is not the scientists who are guilty of hubris here but their accusers , in implying that humans could play God .
18 Their pleading averts such a complete disaster , and succeeds in focusing God 's punishment on those who are guilty of the rebellion .
19 No doubt , there 's several of you here who are guilty of this .
20 This is the strategy employed by strangers who are fearful of the cat 's claws and have to find some way of picking it up without being attacked .
21 In short , those who are critical of the private sector must ensure that their facts are correct .
22 To anyone familiar with the writings of authors such as Gummer , who are critical of the changes that have taken place in post-war Britain , the characteristics he highlights will be similarly familiar .
23 Equally , it is not uncommon to find such introductions or extensions of temporary working labelled by those who are critical of them as the introduction or extension of " casualisation " ( see , for instance , the report of a motion passed at the 1986 conference of the engineering workers union ( AUEW ) which " attacked the greater use of casual workers by employers " in Financial Times , 23/4/86 ) .
24 The plot of the remainder of the novel revolves around a series of attempted rebellions by various factions at the convention who are critical of the way it is organized .
25 Those who are critical of governments creating political-business cycles are critical of state intervention in the economy at the same time as they are full of praise for the beneficial effects of free-market progress .
26 This control group represents a consecutive 18 patients chosen at random from a period midway through our experience in 1987 to 1989 , who are typical of patients presenting for elective operation for ulcerative colitis .
27 But they do n't like physical hockey , unlike the French , who are capable of very physical hockey .
28 The successes of history belong to those who are capable of seizing these rules , to replace those who had used them , to disguise themselves so as to pervert them , invert their meaning , and redirect them against those who had initially imposed them … so as to overcome the rulers through their own rules .
29 ‘ I 'm a great delegator , but it is important to delegate to those who are capable of carrying through the task and you must have a good report-back system . ’
30 He is a genuine hate-figure for the libertarian left , who are capable of splendid outrage at the mention of his name .
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