Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [was/were] [adv] give " in BNC.

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1 There was no significant difference between the number of words recalled in this condition and the number recalled by subjects who were not given any information about the theme of the passage .
2 A further important point is that on two scores — the overall symptom score and the resistance score — there was a difference between the normal women and a group of normal men who were also given the inventory .
3 Though his first wife remains a shadowy and rather pathetic figure about whom one longs to know more , there is plenty here on the crowded , ramshackle household and its often hand-to-mouth existence constructed entirely around the demands of the workaholic , temperamental sculptor — the hoarded treasures , the art and music which pervaded the house , the much loved but somewhat casually raised children , the constantly changing and eccentric cast of live-in models , nannies , general factotums , portrait sitters , studio visitors , plaster moulders , musicians , friends and members of the press who were usually given short shrift .
4 Courses were necessary for mainstream teachers , including headteachers , to help them cater for the multilingual population of their schools , and Heads of Modern Languages , who were often given responsibilities for South Asian languages despite the current limitations of their professional competence to foreign European languages , were a prime target for reorientation courses .
5 The third major group to be settled were the Burgundians , who were apparently given Sapaudia a year after the grant of Gallia Ulterior to the Alans .
6 Mr Cosic , who was not given a chance to defend himself , was charged with overstepping his authority by holding peace talks with the Croats .
7 Paschal II , who was slowly giving way on the question of homage , which Anselm looked on as settled , sweetened the pill by piecemeal concessions on the primacy .
8 Five firemen were honoured … and three policemnen , including Pc Roger Cooper who was also given a Chief Cosntable 's commendation .
9 It says in Revelation 12:4 , ‘ The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth , so that he might devour her child the moment it was born .
10 Richard Pryor ( who was never given another chance to explore this side of his acting ability ) , Yaphet Kotto and Harvey Keitel star as the workers who attempt to break the chains that bind with a break-in at their corrupt union 's headquarters .
11 The unequal tug of war continued , and something kept the man from actually striking Sally-Anne , although he rained blows on the woman , who was now giving vent to a low , keening moan .
12 She turned to the stranger who had just finished talking to a mechanic who was now giving her car the once-over .
13 She was present at the birth of the Blessed Virgin , who was then given over to her care for twelve years , and at the Visitation and the birth of St John the Baptist and even at the birth of the Saviour , when she was allowed to provide bedding for the Virgin and swathing-clothes for the Child .
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