Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [was/were] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Pinochet on Oct. 23 , 1989 , pardoned two trade union leaders , Manuel Bustos and Arturo Martínez , who were serving 541-day sentences of internal exile in remote towns for calling national protest days in 1985 [ see p. 34347 ] .
2 Another volley of musketry hammered from the French who were firing blind into the tall crops .
3 On Feb. 25 Egyptian police charged several hundred students on the Cairo university campus who were chanting anti-US , anti-government and even anti-Saddam Hussein slogans .
4 Those who were assimilated adopted Latin speech , enrolled in the Roman army and became citizens of Roman towns such as Salona , the capital of Roman Dalmatia and birthplace of the emperor Diocletian .
5 Early postoperative complications were negligible , while three patients who were circumcised required reoperation for haemorrhage .
6 The new rich who were building new houses were only too happy to have their aesthetic decisions made for them by the ‘ professionals ’ .
7 And the people who were farming Blind Beck at the time killed a pig and sent down a lovely pork pie to us .
8 The officers who were watching jeered and Burun glared at them .
9 It was the enlightened afrancesados who were to confuse political issues by their peculiar relation to liberalism .
10 17032 married white women aged 25–39 years at entry during 1968–74 who were taking oral contraceptives or using an intrauterine device or diaphragm .
11 The measures were felt to be particularly harsh by those catholic parents who were getting involved with the All Children Together movement .
12 Two army medics who were getting ready to deal with such things in the wild were also there , and they kept me laughing so much that I was wobbling up and down while the surgeon was trying to operate .
13 It replaces the system of grants to people who were getting supplementary benefit before April 1988 .
14 The report documented the death of 2,279 people , including 1,068 people who were executed , died under torture or were shot in firing squads , and 957 disappeared prisoners , whose fate was unclarified but who were presumed dead .
15 If the two in the Renault were impostors , why were they taking the risk of using the car and the passports of two people who were presumed dead ?
16 The Health Study included 1455 children aged 6–59 months , who were monitored weekly for a year .
17 Briefly , over a 14 month period starting in May 1968 , 1400 general practitioners throughout the United Kingdom recruited 23000 women who were using oral contraceptives and a similar number of women who had never used these preparations .
18 It was assumed that parishes , very largely the agricultural villages of the southern and eastern cereal regions , who were using Speenhamland-like systems of poor relief , had placed themselves on a vicious spiral of soaring poor rates and were progressively increasing the very poverty they sought to relieve .
19 Okay Although I 'm referring to Gibson 's work , I mean this was typical of the time , there were a number of other researchers who were using similar ideas and notations .
20 One section of the New Left allied itself to the black working class who were demanding civil rights , and so acted against the narrow interests of the professional-managerial class .
21 Hitherto , only police had been used against the demonstrators who were demanding free elections , the resignation of the provincial leadership of the League of Communists ( LC ) , the release of political prisoners and the lifting of " special measures " which had been imposed amid the earlier riots of February 1989 [ see pp. 36470 ; 36514-15 ] .
22 ‘ That is , people who were born normal and make themselves freaks through altering the body . ’
23 Like any other part of the body it may have become weak through disuse , but it is a fact that the only people who do not have the ability to ‘ see ’ clearly in their minds are those who were born blind .
24 In the days when there was talk of comprehensive schools being ‘ grammar schools for all ’ , what hope was there for children who were experiencing significant learning difficulties ?
25 The United States and United Kingdom authorities on Nov. 13 announced that they had filed charges against two Libyan nationals who were believed responsible for the bomb which exploded on an aircraft over Lockerbie , Scotland , in 1988 .
26 Not that Kimon was the only Athenian statesman who sought to recall Marathon specifically : the 192 horsemen of the Parthenon frieze , begun after Kimon 's death and completed as late as the 430s , may depict the Marathon dead , who numbered just 192 , and who were given heroic honours .
27 Among the 439 patients who were given para-aortic irradiation , 6 developed secondary gastric carcinoma ( 2.4% 15-year cumulative incidence rate ) , by contrast with no gastric carcinomas in 453 patients not treated with such irradiation .
28 Tio et al have shown the accuracy of endosonography in the follow up of patients who were given combined intraluminal and external radiotherapy for inoperable oesophageal carcinoma .
29 A GROUP of American breast-cancer patients who were given supportive therapy and taught self-hypnosis to deal with pain survived for twice as long as women who received routine cancer care .
30 Throughout the dark years , some of the artists and intellectuals , who were given manual jobs for producing unacceptable works of art , met in The Slavia .
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