Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [is] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , this is , this is , this er Who 's picking up Laura 's point which is that you get all the contractual arrangements er er done , but I mean it does n't mean you ca n't have the ritual , be it dressed with , you know , er a long
2 But there he was , going round the flower shop , accompanied by this assistant who 's picking out great armfuls of flowers .
3 Who 's run out .
4 Shh who 's calling out ?
5 And with ‘ sugar' 's sweet , almost bubblegum connotations , the whole thing smacks of a man who 's fallen back in love with pop music .
6 Is it the criminal who tortures the cop , who 's looking out for his own , or is it the undercover copy , who 's selling them all out ?
7 ‘ You know it helps to know what to expect , and who 's acting in character and who 's acting out of character , and all that sort of thing .
8 And who 's cashing in ?
9 I 'm the one who 's fucked up your entire operation .
10 Has , er who 's taking over from him then ?
11 ‘ We also need a defender to replace Steve Bould , who 's getting on .
12 Who who 's heckling there who 's chiming up ?
13 But when you 're a £2.5m striker who 's living up to his price-tag as spectacularly as he has done , there are always going to be people out to bring you down a peg or two .
14 All the guy who 's pushing on has done is got from one holdup to the next holdup quicker than the next feller .
15 WANTED : FEMALES OVER 16 any size , any shape to write to a bored 19-year-old male who 's fed up with being single for most of the year .
16 I did n't bring anything to read , and papers bore me anyway , so I 'm wondering if I 'm the kind of guy who 's cut out for relationships .
17 As a special mark of favour , Rainbow has brought Naomi to see the acting debut of a lesbian country-and-western heart-throb who 's branching out and sidling towards the big time .
18 Max Henry , who 's kicked around NeXT Inc for the last four-and-a-half years in sales and software recruitment roles , mostly recently holding the post of VP and general manager , Asia Pacific , has jumped shipped to head up the American arm of windowing house JSB as president .
19 Anybody else who 's coming up between twenty nine and thirty four , if you could come down to the rostrum colleagues .
20 These are the serviettes Who 's coming over ?
21 ‘ Look at Peter Gabriel , who does in fact get slagged off , and f—ing right and all , but he has n't made an album for six years which is longer than me , but he 's a current performer whereas I 'm an old lag who 's coming back .
22 So who 's coming down on the eleventh or twelfth of November ?
23 You know people who 's coming in from o the outside to come on to the flats , they 're the people at risk .
24 Erm and you never know who 's coming in , it could be anybody and if we start saying things which are n't to , then we 'll eventually damage the project a great deal .
25 Right cos what it is erm we 'd like if , if possible to get like a daily list of who 's due to appear on Pebble Mill where pop stars and T V stars are worth a damn sight more in newspapers than ne hard news these days it er should n't be a bad idea for us to try and get a , get in on who 's , you know , who 's coming in to appear .
26 ‘ A friend of mine who 's working in and around Florence said he 'd meet us in his jeep if he could make it , ’ David answered looking round .
27 Who 's starting on about anything ? …
28 Gon na see how , per haps perhaps fits in with the other erm bits , so who 's starting off , you 're starting off are n't you ?
29 ‘ You 're the fourteenth person who 's worked out I 'm staying with Lucy and phoned me up with crazy stories about Liam .
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