Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb mod] [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Chaired by a judge of the High Court or a higher court , it has 16 members , a majority of whom must be persons other than practising or academic lawyers .
2 It did n't come well from a girl who took her clothes off every night in front of an audience of five hundred , at least half of whom must be men .
3 The only exception to this rule is the London Society which , because of its large size , nominates five members , at least two of whom should be business members .
4 In the agrarian south and east of the continent , the character of society was dominated by two classes of very different size : a body of wealthy landowners , still often enjoying the prestige and privilege and sometimes the legal and noble status of its feudal forebears , and a huge mass of subordinate peasants , some of whom might be freeholders , but by and large economically dependent on the landowners .
5 The greater landowners would also employ other gentlemen servants in the management of their estates in the early eighteenth century , some of whom might be freeholders , and all of whom would have connections with the voting freeholders , and while it is true that some of these appointments were poorly paid , one has to bear in mind the comparative poverty of so many of the Scottish gentry in terms of money income .
6 Not people who are experienced in object programming , but who may be expert in legal or manufacturing objects , for instance .
7 There are none of the problems of tracking down shareholders who may exist across a number of States , and who may be subsidiaries of other bodies .
8 In S 987 , a writ from 1035 , Cnut declares that he will not permit wrong to be done to Canterbury no matter who may be reeve ( presumably of Kent ) — a clear indication that it was still suffering from the attentions of his men .
9 Many women from immigrant communities are hidden by their men , who may be entrepreneurs , and they fear offending both their men and the community by complaints about their work .
10 Without proper product knowledge and technical appreciation of the product range , the agent will be ill-equipped to conduct negotiations with professional buyers who may be experts in their field .
11 Other influences include the supply and availability of cigarettes to young people , their price and promotion , and the example of adults , especially those who may be role models for young people .
12 The salary of the post to which the unlucky Mr Achterlonie aspired was a mere twenty pounds per annum , but Montrose did not disdain it , conscious that ‘ triffling as such a post is it may effectuallie oblidge some body who may be reddie to repay such a favor upon ane other occasion ’ .
13 It would not be proper for me to comment on individuals who may be trustees of that pension fund .
14 The mass producer ( who may be production , quality or sales orientated ) may attempt to supply all , or a substantial part of this total demand , and in so doing may consider that he can obtain a price , volume or distribution advantage relative to smaller scale producers .
15 It is spread by coughing , sneezing , and kissing , but is not usually caught from sufferers but from other members of the family who may be carriers .
16 Chairman , could I just mention to the Committee , on Shropshire child care links , erm , the County Council of course , is also the registration body that erm , registers childminders and day care , and erm , while obviously this is very much to be supported and ties in with Social Services ' own requirements to promote child care , it should not be seen , and we should perhaps , Bruce make a , we can have discussions with , we should be careful to endorse , the giving of this money does n't necessarily imply or endorse the standards of the people on their books , who may be people that the County Council in another arm , are investigating and in some cases , taking action to close down .
17 Interesting results emerge when we place these ‘ players ’ — who may be individuals or organized groups — on a two-dimensional , nxn square lattice of ‘ patches ’ : each lattice-site is thus occupied either by a C or a D. In each round of our game ( or at each time step , or each generation ) , each patch-owner plays the game with its immediate neighbours .
18 For years , social conservatives — who may be fundamentalists , part of Pat Robertson 's Christian Coalition , good Catholics — have seen school boards as a political powerbase , somewhere to challenge liberal orthodoxy on matters like queers , evolution and birth control .
19 Most cases are heard by part-time chairmen who must be solicitors , barristers or advocates of five years standing .
20 what motivates the moralists , social engineers , and legislators , who must be Bentham 's main intended audience ?
21 The boy who must be Boden heard very well .
22 ‘ They 're bloody choosing the rooms already , ’ said another voice , deep and loud , and from somewhere above ceiling level , and Preston looked up and saw the man who must be Louis , hanging over the banisters on the landing .
23 We could have been a lot more down the road to genuinely modernizing the Labour Party , making it a bit more in tune with our own members and those many thousands who should be members of the Labour Party .
24 He read Plato , and despairing of his own country , dreamt of an island ‘ peopled by men who should be Christians and Philosophers and where Vice only should be contemptible ’ .
25 The first two of those were also included were made public , they are in the issue 's papers it did not make public the county council 's proposal as to who should be participants for each topic since those were matters for the the panel er to ma take a view of and I understood er from er the question er the answer to the question that it had been made clear that er the information had been made public except as always Chairman , er our legal office 's of the council always like that caveat that in case anything had been missed out I had just in fact suggested that perhaps not everything had been made public so I anticipated a possible supplementary question from Mr .
26 After the show had ended , the black Cizeta on display was off to the company 's first client in Singapore , who 'll be $630,000 lighter for the privilege of owning the world 's only V16-engined production car .
27 Making new friends who 'll be ship mates for a voyage to New Zealand .
28 Ceilings decorated by him are at Compton Place , Sussex , c .1728 , with reliefs of mythological subjects in high relief , as well as a plaster medallion with a portrait of an architect , who might be Colin Campbell [ q.v . ] .
29 The gentleman with the glass eye at the next table is discussing civic sculpture with a woman who might be Catherine Deneuve .
30 The middle-class capitalist required the legitimacy of all his children not only to protect his possessions from being enjoyed by the offspring of other men but to ensure the loyalty of his sons who might be business partners , and of his daughters who might be essential in marriage alliances .
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