Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb base] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 I must say to those of you who tend we had nice interview
2 Mr Yanagitani had a wide following among ambitious younger employees , who fear they have ruined their prospects by backing the wrong horse .
3 Tenants in a house at Brockworth near Gloucester , who say they 've been paying rent for six months , barracaded themselves in when they heard they were being evicted because their landlord had defaulted on his mortgage .
4 They were arrested after police were tipped off by local residents , who say they 've since been threatened and intimidated .
5 They were arrested after police were tipped off by local residents , who say they 've since been threatened and intimidated .
6 Claims lawyer Leslie Perrin is wading through more than a hundred cases of people who say they 've fallen victim to the virulent chryptosporidium bug and he believes that 's just a small percentage of the number who could eventually seek damages .
7 They are young and middle-aged men , many with wives and children in Turkey , who say they have suffered repeated imprisonments , police beatings and torture because of their sympathies for communist and Kurdish independence groups .
8 How can a child feel able to tell , and have confidence in those who say they have their ‘ best interests ’ in mind , when the person they have named as their abuser is to be involved in everything that then happens to them ?
9 Sometimes when I listen to people who say they have lost their faith , it strikes me as less surprising thin they suggest .
10 Since 1988 the number of applications from people who say they have nowhere to live has soared from 160 to 629 .
11 Since 1988 , the number of applications from people who say they have nowhere to live has soared from 160 to 629 .
12 The Serb action was a fresh setback for relief agencies faced with mounting hostility from Bosnian leaders and citizens who say they have not done enough to help feed up to 200,000 people trapped by Serbs in Muslim-held pockets of eastern Bosnia .
13 Having tried it here in our own studio and been most impressed , I have also spoken to JMP-1 converts Geoff Whitehorn and Phil Hilborne who say it 's been a godsend to their recording .
14 The playground has been built by another Hereford firm , who say it 's been quite a challenge .
15 Above all we must disregard any traditional idea and never , never , be put off by statements of ‘ practical men ’ who say it has been tried before or it will never work ; these two feeble and slavish statements have destroyed countless ideas and they have been the rocks against which many brilliant minds have foundered .
16 All my investigators who want them have got personal alarms of their own .
17 In it those who want it have some paid employment , probably on a part-time , possibly job-sharing basis , and not for an entire lifetime .
18 Ideally this will not be necessary if those who send them have a vision for and support the work financially .
19 T'was you , surely , who let me have my way then , so I 'm not saying , as I could , that you was wrong and I was right .
20 Irigaray 's work is nuanced in ways oft en ignored not only by her critics but by those who appropriate it , especially those who consider her to have demonstrated that homosexuality represents the true nature of patriarchy ; who believes that , as a sexual practice between the same , homosexuality becomes indicative of patriarchy 's fundamental refusal or fear of difference .
21 Eighty-seven per cent of people who read me have read every book I 've written . ’
22 I would tell other girls who suspect they have an exercise problem similar to mine to ask themselves the following questions : Do I take more exercise than is necessary for health and fitness ?
23 People who know they have HIV should visit their doctor regularly , to help them keep as healthy as possible .
24 Those who know him have no doubt that the Senior Tour is still to see the best of him .
25 The fewer who know I have arrived , the better . ’
26 As you will see from the Who 's who page we have two vacant posts on the committee .
27 They are siblings who feel they have to disagree violently with mother to demonstrate their own independence .
28 It has been pointed out by various ‘ consumer experts ’ and journalists , who feel they have stumbled on a minor scandal that deserves an exposé , that many mineral waters contain significant amounts of metals and salts .
29 An avenue open to persons aggrieved , who feel they have suffered injustice because of maladministration is to ask for their complaints to be looked into by either the Local Commissioner or the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration .
30 These are weekend courses designed for couples who feel they have a stable relationship , and want to work at improving it , particularly through communication skills .
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