Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [vb past] [vb pp] out " in BNC.

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1 You never had the chance to ask — ; the slaves , the chain gang , the artists who got burned out making entertainment for you and looking real pretty for you , taking Whitey 's junk , the white pigs ’ white junk .
2 Bad luck on the Liberal Flemish Freedom and Progress Party ( PVV ) and the Francophone Liberal Reform Party ( PRL ) , who got left out and with a handful of other minority parties make up a discordant opposition .
3 The chap who 'd called out was the one in the pub who 'd told Mary Mauchline to go and rattle her can , the same Mary Mauchline he now held in his arms .
4 But no , The Day Leeds Won The Title they were n't there , apart from one fat bloke called Jimmy who 'd gone out hoping for a quiet drink …
5 While waiting , she gazed solemnly at the sinister Bridge of Sighs a few yards away and thought of the prisoners who 'd gazed out of its thickly grilled windows , looking for the last time on the beauties of Venice before they were incarcerated — or executed for causing the displeasure of powerful nobles .
6 ‘ No wonder the men who 'd served out their time put their savings into market stalls and little businesses , tanneries , dye-works , gardens .
7 The South Sussex team was also more than compensated by the rock solidarity of a boy called Paul Hedley at back , and the dazzling Sherwood brothers , Randolph and Merlin , who 'd pulled out of high goal polo for a fortnight to piss it up with the Pony Club .
8 She had no sympathy for the rich , spoiled girl who 'd walked out of her room and disappeared .
9 But she was always there when he came back from real or imagined expeditions , not like his father who 'd walked out after a drunken row one night .
10 There was Gazza Martin , the man who 'd slashed out his verdict , ‘ The tone and attitude of your piece stinks ’ in response to my idealistic scribblings .
11 Meanwhile the argument between the vegetarians and the farmers over who 'd chickened out of the original challenge goes on .
12 I married Melanie , if I 'm honest , because she was the only one who 'd held out for a wedding-ring . ’
13 One clubs , Wasps , decided to wait until Saturday to make their decision , much to the annoyance of their opponents , Harlequins , who had forked out £1,500 for an overnight stay in a hotel .
14 Later I understood why our national hero was so unpopular : he was the Tory minister who had called out the troops against the miners in the 1920s , an action much more pertinent in our mining town than the defeat of Hitler .
15 The alarm was raised by a colleague who had gone out to their van .
16 It would obtain to the person who had gone out and not to his heirs and successors and it would involve his going out and someone else taking on his land .
17 The Belgian , who had popped out of the clinches to snatch narrow verdicts in three mass sprint finishes , settled the race with a remarkable show in the 40km time trial .
18 On the way here this morning , the picture of the Carrie he had once known and played with … and loved , had been plain in his mind ; and the nearer he had come to the house where she now lived , he imagined the Carrie he expected to see would be merely an older replica of the one who had run out of his life the day his mother had hit him and knocked him out .
19 It was a picture of Louise Butler and Terry recognised her at once as the girl who had run out in front of his car on the night of the rave .
20 One evening in their local pub , the Dog & Rabbit , an old gentleman who had moved out of the district on retirement , returned to visit his daughter who lived in the area .
21 Stephen Gardiner , who was Secretary to King Henry VIII , and Edward Foxe , the King 's Almoner , lodged there in attendance on the King , who had moved out of London .
22 Denholm , who had moved out on to the starboard wing , returned , lowering his binoculars .
23 Chuck glanced around inquiringly at Jacques Devraux , who had moved out into the plain with his son and Flavia Sherman .
24 During the inter-war period , when housing expectations among women were rising , one Medical Officer of Health found that mortality rates amongst families who had moved out of a slum area into new council houses actually rose , because correspondingly less was being spent on food .
25 Boyfriend Garry Curtis , of Bedhampton , Hants , dragged her to safety — and rescuers arrived to find the couple , who had fallen out at a party , kissing and hugging .
26 When the trucks arrived we unloaded them , watching those who had fallen out on the march as they disembarked .
27 Thakin Ba Sein , the first leader of Do-Bama Asi-Ayone , who had fallen out with the younger Thakins and formed a rival party , came in .
28 Meanwhile they replenished their land-holdings by conquest and by the confiscation of the estates of those who had fallen out of favour : rebels and criminals .
29 Although Gundovald received open support from men who had fallen out with Guntram , or who had been left without a patron at Chilperic 's death , Theodore of Marseilles claimed that he had been ordered to receive Gundovald by Childebert 's magnates .
30 So she watched , and listened , and fell a little further , and when his bleep went she went back with him to the department and they worked side by side , communicating with a gesture or a word almost in silence , each anticipating the other 's needs as they dealt with a little girl who had fallen out of a tree and broken both arms and one leg .
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