Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [pers pn] [verb] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 I found it tiring to have somebody in the house whom I knew was not really enjoying what she was doing .
2 Returning on the bus from Medenine I noticed a solitary blonde whom I assumed was a stray package tourist from one of the hotels on the west of the island .
3 Time and time again discussions about tears came back to the central theme of the wish to be cared for-not all the time , the women with whom I talked were quite clear about that .
4 I was a member of NALGO from 1979 until the GLC was abolished , when I ceased to be a member for a number of reasons : 1 could not afford it , and because the company for whom I worked was not a Local Authority .
5 I also noticed that in those schools in which I worked where the head , as a matter of policy , distanced himself from parents , my understanding of the children with whom I worked was less complete .
6 All mail received in respect of the children to whom you refer was sent by this office to workers involved directly with the children .
7 But she was an orphan , and the uncle and aunt with whom she lived were not at all well off .
8 Lucille had left France because she loved Sharpe , whom she knew was a better man than he thought himself to be .
9 Anne felt a rush of affection for the wise old lady whom she felt was offering comfort and advice to her .
10 Diana recognised this when she tried to get rid of Charles 's old advisers whom she felt were working against her .
11 Because the project had no say in the choice of home help for a client , the development officer sometimes found a client with a home help whom she thought was unsuitable or would not work well with her support workers .
12 A maid who was whipped and beaten by two Arab princesses for whom she worked was awarded £300,000 damages in the High Court .
13 AMAID who was regularly whipped and beaten by two Arab princesses for whom she worked was yesterday awarded £300,000 damages in the High Court .
14 Considering it was meant for children it was surprising how many of the characters were unpleasant , even Tinkerbell , whom she supposed was some sort of bad fairy .
15 Marje says in the book that her life was split between her husband and Levy , both now dead , each of whom she claims were entirely faithful to her .
16 As Pyke got me a half of bitter I stood there regarding the rows of inverted bottles behind the barman 's head , not looking at the other actors in the pub , who I knew were all staring at me .
17 I 'd come across that and used that intravenously and thought well I really enjoy this and at the time the people who I knew were breaking into chemists and things , they used to come across very powerful substances , diamorphine , crystallised cocaine , morphine , that whole range of opiates and also amphetamines , black bombers and all the rest of it and then opium became more available on the streets and it was round about the same price as cannabis was at the time … .
18 She seemed to consider the proposal favourably and Princess Margaret , who I knew was keen on the idea , was supportive .
19 PRI political secretary Giorgio La Malfa claimed that he had been misled over the Cabinet posts by Andreotti " who I thought was a man of quality " .
20 I was the only one who could be charged with dereliction of duty , I Judged who I thought was the best : I selected them and then took them to my station — Warboys — where they were trained as Pathfinders .
21 And a gentleman who I think was Chinese had an accident with some plates whilst serving a meal , and finished up by giving me a kiss !
22 It seemed only a matter of days before I was standing astride my bike at the gates of Sonning Common , together with my good friend Richard Smith ( who I think was twice as mad as me as he did n't have to do it ! )
23 Saw three fellows at the end of Royce Wood , who I found were laying out the plan for an iron rail way from Manchester to London .
24 My landlord and his servant were in no hurry to help , and could not have climbed the cellar steps more slowly , but luckily a woman , who I supposed was the housekeeper , rushed into the room to calm the dogs .
25 ‘ Dick — ca n't — move ! ’ murmured Chuck , who she noticed was white-faced .
26 The matron of a residential home , talking about a doctor who she felt was reluctant to visit said it would have been helpful if the person who died had been visited more often : ‘ It would have given her a lot more comfort and the staff a lot more confidence . ’
27 Or who she assumed was his sister — they had n't actually been introduced .
28 She wrote an article about evangelical Christianity , in which she complained bitterly about a particular writer , a Doctor Cumming , who she said was not merely intellectually dishonest in attempting , by slipper means , to reconcile traditional Christian belief with certain new kinds of discovery in archaeology and so on , but he was also lacking in charity and the way which he hammered everybody who did n't subscribe to his particular form of religious believe did n't seem to her to be anything to do with the true spirit of Christianity , so she was discontented with that form of Victorian religion .
29 The Pakistan People 's Party leader wants the removal of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif , who she says was elected in a rigged vote .
30 Looking down , horrified , Penny saw a tall man who she guessed was Farmer Bolsover standing at the foot of the tree , with a black-and-white sheepdog by his side .
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