Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [prep] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This , remember , is W. H. Auden , whom for many years some people in England have regarded as himself too anxious not to bore , too anxious always to amuse .
2 My scepticism has been reinforced by the recent work of Frederick Crews , who for many years was a leading psychoanalytic critic in America .
3 However , my predecessor , Bishop John Bickersteth , who for many years had been an advocate for issues of conservation , quite rightly protested that the Archbishop was saying no more than the biblical tradition states !
4 The artists themselves sometimes had a Jekyll-and-Hyde career , the prime example being the Australian bass-baritone Peter Dawson , who for many years dressed up as a Scotsman and hijacked Sir Harry Lauder 's songs , touring Scottish music-halls under the name Hector Grant .
5 Alan Roberts , who for many years has clothed the likes of Boy George and Bomb The Bass , is producing innovative and special leather styles with an emphasis on tone and texture .
6 Aubrey Clark , who for many years had worked his shifts in Claxby box , was on the night turn .
7 Not only have I learned that soon I will not only be responsible for myself but a small vulnerable child who for many years to come will be under my protection , but I have also gained an inner strength that I never knew I was capable of having .
8 Bill Cash is a lawyer who for many years has specialised in constitutional issues , not least that of the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution .
9 Ingmar Bergman , who for some years now has been insistent that Fanny and Alexander was his farewell to the moving image , has decided to stage a come-back with a project called The Good Will .
10 In 1870 Knowles , who for some years had practised journalism anonymously , was appointed editor of the Contemporary Review , which he made into a highly influential periodical while still continuing his architectural practice .
11 Lo Cascio was said to have established links with Colombian and Venzuelan drug cartels , while the financial side of the operation was the work of Ulrich Bahl , a German businessman who for some months had been imprisoned in the USA on charges of passing forged banknotes .
12 Magee 's 30-year-old sister , Kathleen , who for several years has lived in a redbrick Victorian terrace house in Northumberland Street , Derby , with her seven-year-old son , Christopher , was being held last night .
13 Meanwhile Winnie , who for several years ran the old Slazenger Club Championships , continued to repay the joy and rewards she enjoyed from tennis by passing on her knowledge and experience to later generations of British juniors .
14 Nigel Mansell , who for several years has ranked among the top two or three racing drivers in the world , is simply pushing himself harder than most .
15 Examining these theories from pragmatics will involve us in a substantial digression from our main concern : which is to account for our intuitions of coherence and thus gain insight into the needs of the language learner , who after all aims to be able to produce coherent discourse , not isolated sentences .
16 You may , sir , the rather believe me when I declare that the only man I could honour more than another is the gentleman who of all others seeks my everlasting dishonour .
17 Rather than blaming patients for being too slap happy , it may be that accurate completion of a diary is an unreasonable expectation of patients , who like all humans , are prone to forget .
18 Bowley , the man who above all others took up the mantle of Booth and Rowntree in the early part of this century , that " it was unfortunately not the custom in Bowley 's day for the British Government to call outside experts .
19 It sounds an unsavoury task , but it is less unhealthy than the job of ‘ night soil ’ collectors who in many countries spend their nights emptying buckets .
20 But the Crown was primarily concerned at this time with the raising of revenue , and not with the punishment of offenders , who in many cases were able to recover their forfeited offices on payment of a fine .
21 The blame must lie with the fertiliser manufacturers , who undoubtedly have done their best to encourage increased consumption by heavy advertising to farmers , and who in many cases also own farms themselves and supply seed of varieties specially bred to respond to high levels of nitrogen .
22 This is important when dealing with older people who in many cases are not now what they have been , making the counselling task different from that of any other age group .
23 At grouping in 1923 , the smaller railway companies , who in many cases were responsible for the rural railway feeders , were bought out , and often their lines were closed and lifted .
24 What we are saying there are other emergencies and I get down to the word loneliness now is there any reason why senior citizens should n't have the facility whereby they can make telephone calls if those , they so desire , to members of the family who in many instances they have n't seen for long periods of time ?
25 erm you know like for instance I mean erm I mean I suppose I feel British but I mean I do n't feel I have any very strong identification with with other British people because there are so many other people in the world speak English and erm often people from other countries who in many ways you identify with them more .
26 There are some , he continued , ‘ so deranged , not only in religion but who in all things reveal their monstrous nature , that they will say that the sun does not move , and that it is the earth which shifts and turns . ’
27 In 1924 , the All Blacks undertook internal matches against Auckland and Manawatu as preparation for a European tour and promptly lost 14-3 to Auckland , who in those days were nothing like the force they are now .
28 The star is Jamie Lee Curtis , who in those days , well before A Fish Called Wanda , was the acknowledged holder of the ‘ scream queen ’ title which had once rested on the shapely shoulders of Evelyn Ankers .
29 Zande witches are thus very different figures from the ‘ witches ’ in Macbeth , who in these terms are ‘ sorcerers ’ .
30 Whilst Underwood 's somewhat arbitrary classification is now little used , the patterns which he detected , multi-strand lines and spirals , continue to be found by those who in some cases have had little contact with his original work .
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