Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs. Mary Campbell of Boquhan , a lady with important political connections in the town of Stirling , sent Drummond with her letter of recommendation to call on Lord Milton , the intermediary through whom much of the Duke of Argyll 's patronage was distributed .
2 Ehret was responsible for three of these designs and is the only artist to whom any of the originals have so far been traced .
3 With the exceptions of Teddy Taylor and John Biffen , of whom more in a moment , each one , because of the strength of his views , has had to eschew a ministerial career , although each would without doubt have made a distinguished holder of office .
4 Yours is one case I will always remember not for the large number of witnesses , but for the meeting of a man who right from the first impressed his lawyers with his innocence a conviction that grew and grew the more that one went into the case and met the many people who knew Andy Beattie so well . ’
5 He describes a conspiracy in the early 390s of helots , who together with the other inferior classes outnumber the full Spartan citizens , at a casual count in the agora , by four thousand to forty .
6 They want to protect their individuals , who perhaps at the moment they ca n't afford to pay a salary if the guy 's off sick .
7 In the mythology of modern soccer , the ‘ scout ’ , an expert in a shabby raincoat has been replaced by the more avaricious figure of the ‘ agent ’ , the character with the car-phone who along with the club chairman has become the financial ‘ Lucifer ’ of football .
8 William Laud , who along with the king directed ecclesiastical policy throughout the 1630s , had little interest in the struggles of his beleaguered co-religionists on the continent , and was far more concerned that money be raised for the repair of St Paul 's Cathedral in London than for the relief of Calvinist refugees from the Palatinate .
9 ‘ And we also have one or two gentlemen who just like the convenience of being able to place a ‘ standing order ’ , as it were , for their wives ' anniversaries and birthdays .
10 So that I feel that one of the things that we must do is ensure that all people who are now training to be teachers , and those who already in the service , have got to be given more information about the condition so that they may be able to recognise it .
11 As the forthright proponent of the ‘ destruction of European Jewry ’ , Hitler 's image was enhanced among a minority — though a growing and powerful minority — of the German population ( especially , though by no means exclusively , those ‘ organized ’ in the Nazi Movement and , presumably , those who already before the war had been active , whole-hearted Nazis and convinced ideological anti-Semites ) by his open association with extreme anti-Jewish measures .
12 Musical history will remember those rejections , ranking them with the men from Decca Records who early in the 1960s said ‘ No ’ to Brian Epstein and his promising newcomers The Beatles .
13 Thomas Martyn ( who early in the next century brought out a revised edition of Miller 's later large Dictionary ) said of the signatories ‘ I have reason to suppose that the above were united in a society for the improvement of gardening , that Mr. Miller acted as their secretary and that the work was in some degree the produce of their joint efforts ’ .
14 The findings vindicate the writings of a monk , Eadmer the Singer , who early in the 12th century wrote an account of the old building , as he remembered it from his childhood .
15 Obviously Mrs Sweet had n't a clue who any of the people in the photographs were .
16 Right number one who any of the answers , give me some answers .
17 Later , when she watched the scene during the shooting , she 'd find more girls in the pile of smashed-up cars : one putting on lipstick high in a lorry 's cab , another lying on the bonnet like a mascot , face to the car 's prow , giving a feline look as she too read aloud , from a French philosopher who later in a fit of madness pushed his wife under in the bath , and held her there till there were no more bubbles .
18 Soderstrom — who later in the concert jokingly apologised for her scratchiness — was obviously miserable , more miserable than she needed to be , about the quality of the sound she was making , and her misery took the form of distinguished concentration on pitch , so that there were many small uncharacteristic faults in her intonation .
19 It was the smoothness of Frankie 's success that was unnerving ; it was hard to find anyone ( other than ZTT ) who even at the height of the sales buzz thought that Frankie , or their records , had changed the way they understood their lives .
20 He was also well versed about historic homes , in many of which he had stayed , an interest he shared with Roddy , who even as a boy had been fascinated by pictures and architecture .
21 The most obviously " compromised " of all groups in Yugoslavia during the war had been the Croat Ustachi , troops of the puppet state set up in Croatia under Anton Pavelic , and in many cases led by men who even before the war had shown pro-Fascist and anti-Yugoslav Royalist sympathies .
22 The West German Ambassador , Hermann Huber , who earlier in the day told the new arrivals the transfer of 4,000 to West Germany was a ‘ one-off action ’ , appeared again to tell them : ‘ For the time being we are letting you in . ’
23 Next in the betting on 19–5 was Bob Back , who earlier in the season had sprung a surprise by beating Pebbles and Commanche Run at Royal Ascot , though Pebbles had got her revenge in the Eclipse ; he had been trained in England by Michael Jarvis , but was now in the care of Angel Penna in the USA .
24 Delaunay , who earlier in the year had held an important exhibition together with Marie Laurencin at the Galerie Barbazanges , did not show at the Section d'Or , and wrote an open letter to Vauxcelles : ‘ I beg to inform you that I do not subscribe to the erroneously held opinions of Monsieur Hourcade which proclaim me as a founder of Cubism together with four of my colleagues and friends .
25 House of Representatives Speaker Thomas S. Foley , who earlier in the day had urged conciliation between Congress and the President , angrily characterized Bush 's remarks as " the most partisan speech I have ever heard in the guise of a presidential address " .
26 Perhaps some of his sexual attitudes were pungently those of his time and his class ; but who then in the nineteenth century shall escape whipping ?
27 Is my hon. Friend aware of the ever-increasing frustration and anger among hundreds of my constituents in Grays , Tilbury and South Ockendon , who almost on a weekly basis have to put up with large invasions of mobile itinerants on land near where they live ?
28 Erm , you know , we all deal with people , who either on a personal or a business level who we genuinely feel the world would be a better place without .
29 Walker , who apart from the Prime Minister herself ( Margaret Thatcher ) and Sir Geoffrey Howe was the only remaining member of the Conservative Cabinet formed in 1979 ( and who had also been a member of Edward Heath 's Cabinet in 1970-74 ) , had for a considerable time been regarded as in many ways out of sympathy with certain aspects of Thatcher 's political philosophy .
30 The Commander-in-Chief , who jointly with the Secretary of State controlled the affairs of the Army , remained at Horse Guards and was not included in Hunt 's proposals .
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