Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He retained contact with another salesman still employed at DPR , whom for the purpose of this book we shall call Peter which is not his real name .
2 Before he reigned he had , by Doña Sancha his wife the Infanta Doña Urraca , his eldest daughter , who was a right excellent lady , and after her he had the Infante Don Sancho , his eldest son and heir ; and then the Infanta Doña Elvira , whom after the death of the King her father , her brother King Don Alfonso married to the Count Don Garcia de Cabra .
3 Its first owners were a noble Florentine family — the Pucci family — who through the generations , owned it , lost it and repossessed it on several occasions .
4 It calls us to identify with a Christ who through the horror of the crucifixion leads us , his people , to new life and hope .
5 However , as we have seen , central government , who through the SEC has boldly pressed on with the introduction of the GCSE , has even in doing so been subject to its own and its advisers ' demands that Standards should be preserved .
6 It is the work of the resulting army of dedicated and sincere reformers who through the centuries have fought to make mankind accept that the Second Choice is the right one , that has provided , and will go on providing for ever , the real power for the production of the good that will be assigned to the storehouse that is the Created God .
7 Who through the attention of Mr. Creed , and Mr. Lord his assistant secretary , many hundreds were permitted to do so . ’
8 Expatriates , who between the wars numbered 80,000 in a city of half a million , began to depart .
9 Peter talks to his brother Alan who as the holder of a CPC ( national ) is aware of the basic workings of the redundancy payments scheme under current employment legislation .
10 He knew that her mother had been a well-known journalist on the Washington Gazette before her marriage to Jared Tunstall , Sally-Anne 's father and a Yankee millionaire , who as the result of his fame as one of America 's so-called robber barons , and his friendship with King Edward VII and his circle , was nothing if not notorious .
11 the application has to be made to a quarterly meeting of the board ( s.5(6) ) , and the transfer effected can only be to the person who during the currency of the licence has become the Owner or occupier or the new tenant of the premises to which the certificate relates .
12 They provided a bus , you had a bus ride and you picked up a couple of guides er , who during the night would take you over the er take you over the er Pyrenees , er over the mountains er , the Pyrenees , you see becau er you 're in need of a guide because the er the frontier posts etcetera etcetera were shut , were closed .
13 Reports of such abuse in the Soviet press indicated conflict between the old guard and reformers ( who during the US visit had formed the Association of Independent Soviet Psychiatrists ) .
14 We have already seen that there were times when the High Anglican interest , supposedly the natural allies of strong monarchy , sought to challenge the powers of the Crown in order to protect the interests of the established Church ; we have also seen that Nonconformist and Whig politicians , who during the Exclusion Crisis became the champions of Parliamentarianism , had at times shown themselves prepared to defend the royal prerogative against Parliamentary limitation when it was being used to protect the interests of the Dissenters .
15 Those who during the week at Lake Nona took the opportunity to ask questions about the running of America 's LPGA circuit , are convinced that it is to the players ' advantage that they leave the running of the association to its staff while they themselves concentrate on their golf .
16 This was an Indian businessman , living in the industrial North , who for the purpose of this book shall be called Derek Patel .
17 Much of what we saw related discouragingly to familiar bad habits , a thought that occurred , not for the first time , to George Cohen , who for the benefit of younger readers made a notable contribution to the history of English football when turning out in the 1966 World Cup final .
18 They were Ian Macleod and Enoch Powell , who were not natural bedfellows , but who for the moment had got into a huddle .
19 The writer of the Book of Hebrews links the joy and suffering of Christ by saying : ‘ Let us fix our eyes on Jesus , the author and perfecter of our faith , who for the joy set before him endured the cross , scorning its shame , and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God . ’
20 Here is the sad story of the initiation of a new dealer at Eyas Securities who for the purposes of this book shall be called Sandra .
21 One SAE of DPR , who for the purposes of this book shall be called Oliver was known to have earned around £19,000 over one Christmas period .
22 Near the end of his reign Perdikkas may even have made an alliance with Argos , who after the Peace of Nikias in 421 again starts to take an individual line on foreign policy .
23 For purposes of this subsection ‘ land ’ does not include incorporeal hereditaments ; ‘ tenancy ’ means a tenancy for years or any less period and includes an agreement for such a tenancy , but a person who after the end of a tenancy remains in possession as statutory tenant or otherwise is to be treated as having possession under the tenancy , and ‘ let ’ shall be construed accordingly . …
24 The who 's who of the business world is in town this week and many a deal will be struck between races .
25 Yet throughout these eventful years the tradition of Catholic imitative polyphony flowed on undisturbed , reaching even greater technical equability in the work of Josquin 's presumed pupil Nicolas Gombert ( c. 1500–c. 1556 ) and Jacobus Clemens ‘ non Papa' ( c. 1510–c. 1557 ) , with whom we may associate other natives of French Flanders : Thomas Crecquillon ( d.c. 1557 ) ; Jean Richafort ( c. 1480–c. 1547 ) , an older pupil of Josquin 's ; two composers whose identities were confused even in their lifetime , Lupus Hellinck ( c. 1495–1541 ) and Johannes Lupus or Lupi ( Jean Leleu ) ( c. 1506–1539 ) , the confusion being worse confounded by two less distinguished contemporaries named Johannes Lupus ; Noel Bauldewyn ( d. 1530 ) , who was Richafort 's successor at Malines Cathedral and composer of the Missa Da Pacem long attributed to Josquin ; 3 and Pierre de Manchicourt ( c. 1510–1564 ) who towards the end of his life became master of Philip II 's capilla flamenca , in which both Gombert and Crecquillon had served under Philip 's father , the Emperor Charles V.
26 Congratulations to electrician , who despite the chaos going on around him , managed to pose for this photo .
27 The third scan came from a patient with Crohn 's colitis who despite the absence of symptoms continued to have persistently abnormal laboratory tests and a scan score of 80.6 .
28 The Prince of Wales , who like the Sultan has a passion for polo , has already taken a close interest in the environmental impact of destruction of the world 's rainforests , a key factor in global warming .
29 Former Praxsys president Tripp Blair , who like the rest of his small team is now a Sun employee , said Snoopy is near the end of its development cycle and close to going into test and verification .
30 To supplement , strengthen or , as some think , to contradict the legislation of 1986 , the 1988 Education Reform Act made it possible for parents directly to intervene in their children 's schooling through a complaints procedure ( Maclure 1989:22 — 3 ) : In terms of a market ideology , this gives the consumers ( i.e. the parents , who throughout the Act are seen as surrogate consumers for their sons and daughters ) a chance to act if they believe there is a failure to deliver the curriculum to which they are , by law , entitled .
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