Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Ken believed that Orton was the man to whom to go when he was down .
2 It was in 1972 , after I had trekked to and from Rhodesia on several occasions , and the mission in which I was involved appeared to be a triumphant success , that I received a letter from Ted Heath , who asked whether it would be acceptable to me to receive a CH ( Companion of Honour ) .
3 It was Buffy , the curious one , who asked whether it was an apple .
4 ‘ I got a call from a cop who asked if I owned it .
5 The interest of the BBC 's Heart of the Matter was triggered by Newsnight and that , in turn , caught the attention of a researcher on Wogan , Mandy Nixon , who asked if I wanted to appear on the programme .
6 Debussy 's answer to a journalist who asked if he was familiar with heaven — ‘ yes , but I do n't natter about it with strangers ’ - is not so silly as it sounds .
7 A friend treated her to a pukkah drinks-dispensing butler who asked if he might make a personal remark before teetering off into the small hours .
8 Durkheim belonged to that contemplative school of armchair theorists epitomized by Sir James Frazer , who is supposed to have solemnly replied ‘ God forbid ! ’ to the innocent questioner who asked if he had ever lived amongst ‘ savages ’ .
9 But the former Director of Public Prosecutions — who quit after he was caught kerb-crawling in King 's Cross , London — is talking about acting on stage .
10 To my mind , evidence of conflict already exists : the deafening silence from Moorgate Place on Caparo is an example where self-interest has been allowed to be paramount : the decision suits the practising firms ( as their legal liability is narrowly defined ) , notwithstanding that in the public interest , would-be investors , existing individual shareholders and creditors who lose because they have relied on audited accounts which subsequently turn out to be defective , should , on any basis of equity , have recourse to those parties who are responsible , whether management or auditors .
11 Anything drunk by anybody who laughs when you say : ‘ It 's what your right arm 's for . ’
12 Before she left for Moscow , Semenyaka talked to me about the British public 's fond picture of Russians as a nation of artists , who dance because they need to .
13 Do you know who I might see , I might see that girl , Michelle who lived 'cos I saw her last Thursday , she was in the classroom next to us .
14 ‘ Then there are those who work in manufacturing , in police forces or hospitals who suffer because they are constantly functioning below par . ’
15 The people who suffer if they are broken are not the owners , the shareholders or the board of directors , but those who work in the industry — people who have given their lives to that industry , built up the companies ' assets and made them into going concerns attractive for privatisation .
16 Because , I mean , I know where it 's coming from , some of it 's coming from Stanley , who , who thinks if I do n't stand down it will damage Ruth 's chances .
17 In relation to a repetition test , he argues that the negro children who failed because they did not repeat the teacher 's utterance in the same form were really being failed for a different attitude to surface detail .
18 You could have respect for a man who lusted after you and fought for you and took you .
19 In the sixties , fashion was such that a girl or a fella could afford a new Biba dress or John Stephen shirt every other week , they cost 35s 9d and who cared if they fell apart at the launderette .
20 This would entail a sixty-mile round trip for us , but who cared if he could be freed of that perpetual pain he had suffered for so long ?
21 Who cared if he never rose any higher than H.S.O. ?
22 Who cared if it was right or wrong , who cared if it was truth or lies ?
23 Who cared if it was right or wrong , who cared if it was truth or lies ?
24 Rural Britain is full of retired brigadiers and industrial captains , chaps who got where they were through diplomacy , cunning and an instinct for knocking heads together when the bugle blew .
25 The painting of the Virgin blessing Christ before the Passion by Urbino was once popular with newly-wedded couples who knelt before it and asked for a blessing on their marriage .
26 The man she had spellbound stayed behind ; her enchantments had been pitted against an energetic opponent , who exulted when she left , cursing her as she trudged away pushing a small cart with her possessions .
27 Boyd was calling up the stairs for Hank to come down , and she watched silently , as if at the movies , while he emerged from his ground-floor bedroom , walked past her without looking at her , and held out his hand to the reporter , who winced as he felt its grip .
28 Well they 're not common but every now and again we see someone who looks like they 've got a straightforward problem that does n't get better .
29 It must have cost her quite a bit too , taking on a man who looks like I look , his fat shoulders and heavy head tensed over the spectacle of her lost or twisted sisters .
30 ‘ Hullo , angel child ! ’ says a buxom blonde to a thin youth who looks like he 's in training to become a sales manager .
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