Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 On each occasion , he became engaged in long disputes with local reporters , some of whom tried to jostle him out of the room .
2 Karpov and Yusupov , each of whom has used his sole permitted time-out , will be playing their fifth game .
3 The young couple looked so happy , Henrietta wearing a lovely pale grey silk organza Valentino dress , as they received their guests , around 400 of whom came to wish them happiness .
4 Then she rang Mrs Chalk , who agreed to curtail her afternoon off to dash back to Armscott , ready to pass on the news if Charles called home first .
5 Then , due to the current troubles , they were taken away from them and offered to Gateshead , who agreed to take them but then could not get television coverage , so they went to Germany .
6 He was one of seven MPs who agreed to lose their moustaches or beards in a ‘ shave-athon ’ to raise funds for research into leukaemia among children .
7 The first was to Duncan the Drunken in Barking who agreed to do me a weekend deal on a Transit in exchange for a loan of Armstrong .
8 They went ahead and applied to Hesel Heseltine , who agreed to let them build the power station .
9 Artists , selected by a team of experts , were guaranteed an income by the Dutch government who agreed to purchase their works for a set amount each year .
10 Artists , selected by a jury , were guaranteed an income by the Dutch government , who agreed to purchase their works for a set amount each year ( see The Art Newspaper No.17 , April 1992 , p.2 ) .
11 I quickly found one who agreed to supply me with a dozen apples for threepence as long as I could guarantee the same order every day for the next month .
12 It is not even clear whether they travelled in a Japanese or a Chinese ship : but either way they made secret contacts with Thakin friends who agreed to accompany them back to Japan .
13 But , thanks to the kindness of a lady in the petrol depot who agreed to phone our host when a delivery was about to be made and where , we eventually refuelled at about 9.00 am on Thursday we set out on the last leg of our journey .
14 Eventually she escaped , by means of a message for help hidden in a twist of tweed yarn , but she and the Catholic priest who agreed to assist her were both intercepted and imprisoned on another remote island where Lady Grange died .
15 TWO GIRLS , FAT AND THIN Mary Gaitskill The fat girl is an obsessive devotee of popular novelist Anna Granite , the thin girl a New York writer who goes to interview her .
16 Intentionality is usually overlooked by causal theorists who tend to see their job as being to sort out the afferent limb .
17 I leave things like aftershave to my sons , who tend to drink it .
18 Poets and novelists see the situation differently , and so , indeed , do many students , who tend to want something different from what their ablest teachers wish to give them .
19 Such costs can have an important influence on the overall portfolio rate of return , particularly for financial institutions who tend to trade their portfolios more actively than private investors .
20 However , this has often depended on individual special projects — and on the highly committed innovators who tend to run them .
21 Late risers always exasperate early risers like myself , who hate to miss what they know is the best part of the day .
22 Receivership is anathema to corporate financiers , who hate to see their fat fees going to those who just pick over the bones .
23 Borg said he understood people who hate to have their memories of his near-invincible tennis from 1976–1980 tarnished .
24 All of these meetings required careful preparation and I was relieved when my election team agreed with my general tactics , although they added that I must make myself available for private talks with any colleague who asked to see me .
25 And the MPs who who asked to put it forward including Alan they they had to you know they came to Ron to ask , Can we put your bill forward .
26 However , after a lively meeting with directors , Reg was persuaded to carry on as coach by three men in a hearse who asked to meet him outside during a beer break .
27 There Julia met a young man who asked to marry her .
28 In 1925 the ship was bought by a Glasgow shipowner who planned to convert her to a nautical museum .
29 You tell me Lachlan has gone out against my wish , on a challenge from Hector , who planned to disgrace him in my eyes .
30 At the end of the debriefing we are all still on speaking terms , and no one disagrees violently with the criticism of his performance , which is What you would expect from anyone Who aspires to take their profession seriously .
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