Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] my [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I spent the next few days talking to Cabinet colleagues — all of whom shared my view that the demand was preposterous — and then went to see the Prime Minister .
2 ‘ It is they who asked my help . ’
3 ‘ You 're the woman who hates my dad . ’
4 I bought a cheap biography of William Godwin and learned about Mary Wollstonecraft , who became my heroine .
5 I saw the surgeon who became my surgeon .
6 Within the first month of my being involved with the gay movement I met Angus , who became my lover then and remained my lover for ten years .
7 It was Elvis who kindled my interest in music .
8 Suffice to say , I was in street clothing at the time , looking , I 'd thought , the right if not the accurate side of forty , and Linal Haft , who plays my son , is three years older than I am .
9 And then I feel that I 've given myself to somebody who thinks my heart is a pretty flower .
10 Howard Hawks , who owned my contract , always said that he wanted to put me in a film with either Bogie , or Cary Grant , and I always thought , ‘ Oh , Cary Grant , naturally , how great that would be . ’
11 My first priority , I knew , was to make friends with the two craggy , grey alligators who shared my basement prison .
12 I looked forward to discussing these problems with other teachers who shared my interest and concern .
13 For a moment she was taken aback , realising for the first time that she had n't explained herself very well , then , gathering her wits together , she retorted briskly , ‘ If you had n't assaulted me and accused me of being a burglar I would have told you that the Svend I 'm looking for is a student who met my sister at the Roskilde music festival and afterwards entertained her and her friends here in this apartment for several nights . ’
14 Heavenly Father , thank you that as I come to you with my concerns about the conflicts in my life I come to a God who understands my humanity completely because you shared this experience fully in the life of your Son .
15 I could not possibly have been better looked after in any private hospital and my thanks and appreciation go to all those who made my recovery possible .
16 For it was Protestants who got better jobs , who skipped the queue for houses , who made my father work on Christmas day when the union voted against the optional holiday — to keep the Papes in their place .
17 How do you think they would react if I suddenly announced that the new man in my life is the man who ditched my sister five years ago ? ’
18 I have my man and a bent old crone from the village who drinks my whisky which she thinks I do n't notice .
19 The kind of article that someone who lives my kind of life finds himself having to write to pay for that kind of life .
20 ‘ It 's me who needs my head examined ! ’
21 Since it is Miss Ernestine Baker who has my heart . "
22 In 1912 he insisted , against opposition from the foreign ministry , that Prince Lichnowsky be appointed to the London embassy , saying " I send only my ambassador to London , who has my confidence , obeys my will , fulfills my orders with my instructions " .
23 There were two girls in my room in Hut 6 who drew my admiration .
24 Yes Moderator I think it was Mr who drew my attention yesterday
25 who pity my grasp of their mother tongue .
26 In any event I assumed the man in the overalls was the engineer and he was the one who caught my attention .
27 But then I met people like André , people in that world who recognised my beauty and that kind of validated me .
28 I plead for help , to you who caused my suffering , and you do not even bother to reply !
29 Either I 'm going blind , or there 's a ghost in the house who eats my latkis and fish-cakes .
30 This recipe was given to my Evie who cut my hair in Episkopi .
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