Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the Soviet state machine , the process of production and the producers , are directed by the party-state nomenklatura officials , who recruit by co-option from among the beneficiaries of higher education , and who in various ways benefit from privilege , it follows that this ruling stratum has some of the characteristics of a ruling class , though not that of ownership , except possibly in some collective sense .
2 One for those who judge by appearances rather than practical application .
3 In Letters , p. 348 , Tolkien noted the comic case of a Mr Shorthouse , who produced by accident a strange , queer , debatable book called John Inglesant .
4 There were a few people who had private laboratories , and who were like Lavoisier amateurs of fully professional competence ; and there were those who lived by consultancy .
5 A form of Scottish ELF who lived by roadways .
6 Pat Riley , large , square and solid , the sergeant-major who ruled by tact , was actually an American citizen , having been taken there as a child .
7 The old-fashioned objected that it was dangerous to eyesight , and that those who read by candlelight did not need spectacles , but one can not imagine that Jane Austen was among them .
8 The Harpies are all almost-blind mutants , who hunt by sound .
9 Many thanks to all who helped by way of contributions of goods , clothes or money , and special thanks to for their help and support .
10 In the aftermath of the Vietnam war it had agreed to take in those fleeing from the persecution of a vindictive regime and agreed to resettle those who fled by boat .
11 erm five six , this is the one who came by water .
12 The implications of the contact she honestly had not considered ; she would have done as much for any who came by night .
13 These were the Hashishoni , the followers of the Old Man of the Mountain , skilled killers who came by night .
14 As among other peoples who count by lunations , the Hebrew month begins when the moon 's slim crescent is first visible in the evening twilight .
15 The fact that it is possible to make up an Irish champion in one week draws not only a high proportion of exhibitors from the north , but also many exhibitors from the UK who travel by ferry and aeroplane to take part in what is known as The Circuit .
16 People who travel by rail still read an immense amount .
17 One for those who travel by aircraft and one for those who travel by train between London and Paris .
18 One for those who travel by aircraft and one for those who travel by train between London and Paris .
19 The Sultan , who rules by decree , is advised by the Cabinet ( which he appoints ) and by the nominated 55-member State Consultative Assembly .
20 Only those who paid by credit card would be certain of getting their money back .
21 Holidaymakers who paid by Access or Visa can claim a refund after Land Travel/ Friendly Holidays of Bath crashed on Friday with no assets or insurance .
22 In another case example they compare the performance of personal and social care skills by a female AD sufferer , who communicated by gesture , at home and in a day centre .
23 Always the man of action type rather than the deep thinker , he is a captain who leads by example ; if he showed himself rather insensitive to the needs of his bowlers , he showed his batsmen just what to do .
24 Reward is often denied by people who train by correction only : the dog is commanded to sit and , if he does not respond , he receives a whack and is pushed into position .
25 But that 's fast walking , as anyone else in the Cabinet Office who travels by way of Charing Cross would confirm .
26 I argued continually with another angler who swore by 11ft , 1½lb test-curve rods with a poker-like action .
27 One person who called by telephone was ex-king Constaine of Greece , a great favourite of Queen Farah .
28 Hauser , who worked by instinct , unloaded his mountain of junk bonds in the late eighties — and converted it into a mountain of money .
29 League leaders Bayern Munich travel to Karlsruhe today , and could open a two-point lead over second-placed Werder Bremen , who trailed by goal difference following a 4–0 defeat of Saarbrueken on Friday .
30 Conversely , where the tenant is likely to give discounts to certain customers ( eg those who pay by credit card , or employees ) , or where he is likely to have sales or special offers , his advisers should attempt to ensure that it is the amount he receives rather than the full retail price which is to be included in the calculation of turnover .
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