Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] it have " in BNC.

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1 The leaflet angered parents , staff and governors because they said it was full of misleading statements and the individuals who produced it had not identified themselves .
2 The lady who owned it had a cook , a kitchenmaid , and two other maids . ’
3 It was discarded when shelving had to be cleared away from a wall on which a mural had been discovered after being painted over in the Stalinist era when the artist who created it had fallen out of favour .
4 R — Replied to : An SSR has been generated in response to the SPR and the user who entered it has been informed , but the problem is not yet fully resolved .
5 R — Replied to An SSR has been generated in response to the SPR and the user who entered it has been informed , but the problem is not yet fully resolved .
6 R — Replied to — An SSR has been generated in response to the SPR and the user who entered it has been informed , but the problem is not yet fully resolved .
7 Having tried it here in our own studio and been most impressed , I have also spoken to JMP-1 converts Geoff Whitehorn and Phil Hilborne who say it 's been a godsend to their recording .
8 The playground has been built by another Hereford firm , who say it 's been quite a challenge .
9 Above all we must disregard any traditional idea and never , never , be put off by statements of ‘ practical men ’ who say it has been tried before or it will never work ; these two feeble and slavish statements have destroyed countless ideas and they have been the rocks against which many brilliant minds have foundered .
10 In it those who want it have some paid employment , probably on a part-time , possibly job-sharing basis , and not for an entire lifetime .
11 Did the chap who copped it have family ? ’
12 Everyone who uses it has been very patient .
13 The Pic du Midi has long had an observatory on top , a very substantial structure indeed and occupied since I 88 I , after the scientists who started it had got into the arduous habit of spending their winters up here in a small hotel .
14 The resurrection , for people who believe it to have taken place , is presumably an objective fact of history ; one which they can not circumvent even if they would .
15 Well , the only evidence we have is from the people who believe it has worked for them — and this includes many celebrities .
16 Those who managed it had access to information and carefully sifted opinion .
17 They said in the shop that the men who did it had been pretending to take up paving stones — nobody thought anything because it looked as if they were from the Council . ’
18 I only wish the man who did it had still been with her . ’
19 Those who love it have every right to say to the offenders : ‘ Go elsewhere if you ca n't control yourselves . ’
20 Therefore , people who share it have an obligation to obey the law that they acquire through their conduct of their own lives , as part authors of their own moral world .
21 ‘ I did not see the television , as even my friends who had it had not the Independent ; and the only person who saw it seemed to be the greengrocer , who naturally had everything .
22 The two sets of carers who were not content with the institutionalisation decision were : the male friend of a single woman who said it had been a pleasure to visit her daily and help look after her ; after five months she was admitted to hospital under a guardianship order because she was felt to be at risk .
23 Who said it had anything to do with that ? ’
24 That 's right , and , and the first act of the play is a rehearsal and it keeps stopping and the director keeps sort of straightening them out and they 're dealing with little problems , and when you 're actually rehearsing it you find yourself sort of repeating the play because it 's so ac Michael Frayn who wrote it has so accurately observed what happens er when you 're directing a play that er you find yourself re-enacting the play and , and suddenly find a discussion you 've just been having has part sounds as if it 's come out of the script .
25 If whoever bought it had an unsavoury reputation it would n't do much harm to the seagulls or Brent geese .
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