Example sentences of "not to speak " in BNC.

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1 I had to put the project aside for a while , he wrote , as the rent had to be paid , not to speak of alimony , school fees and the rest , and , coming back to it after a considerable period , much longer , unfortunately , than I had anticipated , and I will not even try to apologize since you gave me a completely free hand — anyway , he wrote , trying to ignore the damp spots left on the page of his pad by his sweaty hands , anyway , coming back to it after all that time I realized that it would be quite impossible in practice to separate the valuable and the worthless , the public and the private , and that , in a sense , one would have to think in terms of either publishing the whole thing exactly as it stood , or not doing it at all .
2 Several cups of coffee later , and many cigarettes ( not to speak of his midday repast , a small bowl of Rice Crispies — a suitable delicacy , given his previous late night explorative jazz session with Sonny Rollins and the group Was Not Was ) later , he kindly consented to our task : the victim was ours .
3 In the history of the nation , the temple — and its associated ritualism — rose and fell , as oppression and persecution ( not to speak of the Israelites ' hot-and-cold religious attitudes ) promoted or denied its expression .
4 But I received another note from Mellowes ; it said I was not to leave the office ; I was not to answer the phone ; above all I was not to speak to the press .
5 Of course the most cursory glance at Dunning 's ‘ Threnody in Sapphics ’ ( not to speak of more miserable performances like ‘ Isabelle of Hainault ’ in The Exile number 3 ) shows that Pound had , as it were , no alternative ; there was no way to vindicate Dunning by imagist principles .
6 So does Eliot of course , so does William Empson ; not to speak of Dryden , Johnson , Coleridge , Arnold .
7 Unwittingly perhaps , Cardinal Glemp reflected this when he enjoined Jews not to speak from ‘ the position of a people raised above all others ’ and added , in a classic restatement of the myth of Jewish omnipotence : ‘ Your power is in the mass media , at your immediate disposal in many countries .
8 Might they not think it more sensible to throw in their lot with their fellow Germans west of the Elbe , who know as much about running a liberal capitalist society as anybody , and have abundant reserves of capital , not to speak of generous welfare benefits ?
9 And finally , it brought on that rich cast of wooden-topped rustics , the Starkadders , with Aunt Ada Doom in the star part , not to speak of the simpleton whose main pleasure in life was doing the washing up , or as he called it , clettering the dishes with his liddle mop .
10 There is so much of Keats that he admired — his pugnacity , his social concern , his gusto , his direct presentation of the moment 's phases of mind and moods of temperament — that one becomes aware of the impress of Thomas 's own mind and experience through his comments on Keats : ‘ Because he was then in the midst of his greatest period , and had to find vent for the pressure of poetry within him , he had to live away from Fanny Brawne , at Shanklin and Winchester : had he been near her long , at this time , love and poetry together , not to speak of the ‘ hateful literary chit-chat ’ of Hampstead , would have been insupportable .
11 It was even reported that Humphrey Atkins was the only Cabinet member not to speak .
12 Not to speak to , like : this bloke 's family were trawler-owners see , important people , and me Grandad was only a docker .
13 She patted his hand and smiled , then pursed her lips together as if they must be forced not to speak another word .
14 As time went on , the threat of ferocious barbarians seemed to become more and more intense : the Vikings , the Muslims in the Mediterranean , the Hungarians , not to speak of the internal disorders arising from the division of Charlemagne 's empire .
15 ‘ I prefer not to speak of it .
16 I asked whether they did not find it inconvenient , living so near the French border , not to speak French , but they said not .
17 And would the propensity for breaking at awkward moments of nylon clamps , gear wheels in printers , etc be avoided if the properties of Nylon 6 vis-à-vis 66 ( not to speak of the more recent nylons now available ) were better appreciated ?
18 ‘ In fact , Mr Stevens , ’ she called , ‘ I would ask you from now on not to speak to me directly at all . ’
19 There was a time when teachers had , above all , to be careful not to speak with the voice of Methodism or Anglo-Catholicism , for fear of offending the sectarian passions of the parents .
20 John himself was warned by the local Police Inspector not to speak at the square again or he would be arrested for speaking against the national interest .
21 In 1921 Lord Northcliffe , the founder of the London newspaper the Daily Mail , was due to speak at a dinner for 3000 staff to celebrate the twenty-fifth birthday of the paper , but he had a throat infection , and his doctor advised him not to speak .
22 ‘ In Ambleside there are several lodging houses , but it is a matter of surprise to the writer that there are not a greater number , as during the travelling season , when all such houses are full , more are enquired for by those who wish to see the country apart from the bustle , not to speak of the expense , of an inn .
23 The inability to confirm this well-known fact has not spoilt the sudden acceptance of the placebo as something with at least a false concrete explanation rather than being some form of gothic magic about which it is better not to speak .
24 This education enabled Thomas to attend an ordinary school for hearing children where he learnt to read and write , though not to speak .
25 They resented stern reminders not to speak German , to be polite and always , always to be grateful .
26 Going by your ‘ concern ’ for the ‘ targets of racist violence ’ , not to speak of your capacity to understand what constitutes racism or why the ‘ ANL and the ARA ’ are both anti-black , I would not be surprised if one day you are hauled before the black community as a prime suspect involved in a series of racist attacks against the image of the black person in the street .
27 ’ I will thank you not to speak of my son , ' he said evenly .
28 Another point for them to remember is not to speak directly at the microphone but to aim instead just over the top of it ; this is to reduce the pick-up of breath noises and the distortion of plosive consonants .
29 The final hymn had eight verses , not to speak of a chorus of Hallelujahs at the end of each one ; Mr Frizzell enjoyed this and sang in a pleasant tenor voice .
30 The tickets alone were so expensive , not to speak of the need for a good costume , that they would realize that inexplicably he had had some financial success .
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