Example sentences of "not come " in BNC.

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1 Even negation has not come from me . ’
2 Diplomatic throughout , Dr Greenspan insisted that he was no expert on the Soviet economy , and had not come to offer instant solutions .
3 Thus , for example , when apprehending a thief with £40 of stolen money , the policemen concerned still argued they had ‘ not come up with anything ’ ( FN 31/1/87 , p. 10 ) .
4 They had not come to rescue her , but the child whom Phoebe would not let be born .
5 She had not come here for that ; it was another problem that she must take on , but not now , not here .
6 Why not come along ?
7 ‘ Why not come with me ? ’ she asked .
8 Temple 's decision to increase its offer had not come as a surprise , he said , and the SeaCo board would meet next week to consider its response .
9 The Government has failed to add any convincing arguments to its feeble justifications for the changes , and dares not come clean about the real reasons .
10 ‘ Some people ’ had argued that increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide had serious implications for the climate , but the committee had not come to any conclusions on that .
11 If the West is not careful to attend to such concerns , it could foster the fury that has not come .
12 Has the time not come to investigate the factors which led to the move west from the 13 colonies in North America , to consider how these might be created to apply to a move east from the Urals to provide a similar development in potentially the greatest storehouse of raw materials and energy ?
13 War or no war , the Government 's other business had not come to a halt .
14 I told the conference that I had not come into politics to preside over the destruction of the National Health Service and repeated the Government 's commitment to it .
15 Besides , shagging had not come into it .
16 Although Ernest Bevin 's Transport Workers had not come out on strike the real opprobrium of the Labour movement was held for Jimmy Thomas , the railwaymen 's leader , whose opposition to sympathetic strike action had been vital to the collapse of the Triple Alliance .
17 He and Elinor had been to the council offices and I had still not come home when they got back .
18 I think I 'd really like to fuck off and not come back . ’
19 She was also a kind of mascot of the liberal intelligentsia — had she not come up the hard way from the very bottom of the heap to stand by Miller 's side defying the anti-Communist witch-hunters who wanted to jail him ?
20 He 's not come all this way to twiddle his thumbs . ’
21 The sudden change had not come easy to him , and even now he found himself muttering ‘ Mam ’ under his breath because that old name was somehow special and precious .
22 The show was over , and Sweetheart had not come back for him .
23 Pebbles had not come this far to capitulate now , and at the wire she was a long-looking neck to the good .
24 The problem was that they had , but they had not come back .
25 At times we may realise that we ‘ know ’ something in our mind that has not come about through reasoning .
26 Since he had not come back to Møn he must be dead — there could be no other explanation .
27 ‘ But you 've not come to hear about what 's going on today .
28 The four-fold hike in oil prices in 1973 would have devastated the world economy had inflation not come to the rescue of western consumers by reducing the real burden of dearer oil .
29 But Li Ka-shing , head of Cheung Kong , confirmed he is ‘ interested in some of Olympia 's assets , but has not come up with any solid plans ’ .
30 Becker 's surprising defeat by Spain 's Jordi Burillo in Barcelona last week suggests the former Wimbledon and world champion has still not come to terms with playing on the European clay , which predominates to the end of the French Open in early June .
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