Example sentences of "not easy " in BNC.

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1 The influence of an international market is not easy to be precise about , though the appearance of work in a Biennale or an art fair can be impressive in itself .
2 It is not easy to know how far Kafka 's fictions can be thought to answer descriptively to the historical realities of his time , let alone to those which his fictions are often thought to have predicted .
3 And it is not easy to know how far Kapuscinski 's book is a book about a bygone Ethiopia .
4 The wrecker explains that , one way or another , ‘ it 's not easy to pull down monuments ’ .
5 ‘ Brown ’ and ‘ black ’ are not easy to tell apart because they are both a reddish brown colour and similar in size .
6 It was not easy for a spirited young woman like Peggy to be the wife of a country vicar .
7 ‘ They 're not easy things to carry , after all . ’
8 We have alkaline soil , and so the growing of camellias , rhododendrons , pieris etc is not easy .
9 However , effective S-turns are not easy to do , and they need to be practised if they are not to end up in dangerously steep turns or in bringing the final turn too close to the field .
10 Sometimes it 's not easy to talk about intimate things like sex or your body .
11 Giving up is not easy , but many women manage it .
12 At that time , Punch ( 1979 ) pointed out ( in a comparison of facilities in Britain and Holland ) that research into the police in Britain is not easy and
13 No , Lucy was not easy and so she loved her .
14 Or : she loved Lucy and so she was not easy ; she was not at ease .
15 Left A diagonal roundhouse kick is fast and not easy to detect , though it usually cannons off elbows and shoulders
16 But it is not easy to keep working just at present . ’
17 It is not easy to find fault with Jimmy Connors ' version of the backhand , is it ?
18 This applies equally to carving , but that 's still not easy and it certainly is n't fast .
19 It is not easy to achieve this effect if they do not take into account the dimension and spacing of the steps as well as their particular quality , which must be in tune with the music if it is to make sense .
20 Finding the point is not easy , and the gully walls are vertical elsewhere , so if in doubt continue up and back to the source of the gullies .
21 It 's not easy to say what the narrating ‘ I ’ is doing at such a scene .
22 It is not easy to engage in discussion with someone who regards other opinions as no more than symptomatic of the way a bourgeois intellectual thinks under late capitalism .
23 He admitted that it was not easy , and said that , in effect , what one did was to get them to read the first chapter of any book by Derrida .
24 Megill himself , in his discussion of Derrida , as in the whole of his book , combines detailed knowledge of the texts , sympathetic treatment of his subject , and an ultimate detachment from it , so that it is not easy to discern his own attitudes .
25 Though Ciullo by Rossetti 's reckoning composed the poem in the 1170s , at least twenty years before Frederick Hohenstaufen came to the throne of Sicily , Pound in The Spirit of Romance juxtaposes the two names , presumably as ‘ an instigation ’ — though to what , it is not easy to say .
26 They were the same terms which Dante and the mediaeval jurists insisted on : Virgil was great , was perpetually relevant and in that sense ‘ a classic ’ ( if not , more exactingly , the one indisputable ‘ classic ’ ) , because in him could be found what Dante teased out of him — the vision of Empire , of the divinely appointed imperium , which must be reconciled ( this way and that , for the reconciling was not easy ) with the no less divinely intended ecclesia .
27 It was not easy .
28 It was not easy to think of a precedent , and one could be forgiven for concluding that the notorious obscurity of the poem came about not by the author 's design but accidentally , because the work was the product not of one mind but of two .
29 It is not easy to understand why .
30 Large quantities of organic food were not easy to come by in Surrey .
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