Example sentences of "[ex0] are still [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Woodward knew the area well and there were no railways here at all ; there used to be many years ago and there are still signs of the old trackbed to be seen .
2 The BMC , therefore , urges all climbers interested in Range West to note that there are still matters to be cleared up and if they wish to obtain a pass to climb legitimately within the Range , then they will have to attend the safety briefings which have been organised for their benefit .
3 There are still matters … ’
4 There are still matters to be agreed on the monetary union treaty , but in both cases we are making progress .
5 There are still matters which need to be resolved , ’ he stormed angrily .
6 A local plan , however , is still a fairly new procedure but gathering in momentum although there are still authorities which do not have formal plans and even where there is such a plan they often only cover parts of the authority 's administration area , usually the central area only .
7 Since Freud wrote , some groups , such as the Quakers , have altered their sexual code towards a more liberal position , but there are still restrictions .
8 Simmel asserts that many of the attitudes which surround , and were created through the impact of , money as abstraction are most evident when it has not completely achieved its role in transforming its own social context , and where there are still structures which resist this transformation and hark back to a non-monetarized era .
9 THERE are still bargains to be found among the terraced property and this one on the books of J Trevor & Sons looks to be worthy of closer inspection .
10 United , according to Gray , has a number in mothballs awaiting either revival or sale , and there are still independents which may decide to sell up .
11 There are still Moons in Dorset ) .
12 With two rooks and a bishop for the queen , Speelman has a nominal material advantage , but there are still threats to his king .
13 We are fleeing Earth for a new world while there is still hope , while there are still changes .
14 However , there are still differences within the black population .
15 Similarly , if one compares blacks and whites within any age-group , there are still differences in vulnerability to unemployment .
16 She lowered her voice : ‘ There are still secrets .
17 WHATEVER the good intentions and fine words about women doing anything a man can do , there are still industries where men would be surprised to find themselves dealing with a woman .
18 In Nottingham city centre though the Royal Hotel car park that 's fairly busy and there are still queues at both entrances of the Victoria Centre and it will take you a good few minutes if you want to get yourself parked in Trinity Square car park they 're still operating on a one out one in basis so obviously better to avoid that one if you want to get yourself parked up you can avoid those queues there 's plenty of room at the Stoney Street car park that 's in the Market there 's always the Fletchergate car park St James Street you 'll find that next to the Albany Hotel or you could er make your way to the Broadmoor Centre you wo n't have to queue to get in there .
19 The system will not be fully live until April , reports director Douglas Schatz , as there are still developments and software customisation , such as a more sophisticated link for the EFTPOS facility , to be carried out .
20 There are still firms which have not thought it necessary to change their methods of working and some of the smaller firms have not yet introduced in-house complaints procedures , despite the introduction by the Society of a new Practice Rule in 1991 .
21 Gullit , of course , is injured and there are still fears for his playing career , never mind his appearing in Italy .
22 We 've all , we 've got ta remember this , that every one of us , we have a place in God 's will and plan and whilst we are in that place everything is good well there 's , there 's still problems of course , there are still difficulties , there are still heartaches , but things are working right .
23 Life now may be better for some women , but there are still plenty who are helpless victims …
24 The most awkward response is that of a partial similar , there are some improvements but there are still problem symptoms .
25 There are still clothes , I understand , and personal items which will need to be disposed of . ’
26 Denis Weatherley Eddi Reader : Live Theatre , Newcastle THANKFULLY there are still artists around who shun the hitech approach to music-making .
27 In literature , though there are still cases of artisanal and distributive post-artisanal relations , productive post-artisanal relations have long been dominant , and important internal changes within them have taken much publishing into a later market phase .
28 There are still countries in which a mother can expect one in three of her children to die before reaching the age of 5 ( UNICEF , 1964 ) .
29 There are still countries — South Africa being one example — where the great majority of people have never had more than a very restricted right to vote , and many others in which this right has , at various times , been curtailed or abrogated .
30 And the differences there between women in different countries are just enormous because there are still countries today where women are n't given a chance to be born — there 's female infanticide still in many countries .
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