Example sentences of "[ex0] was just the " in BNC.

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1 After that there was just the gully to descend , the sinking sand to cross , the sea to wade and the bog to hop .
2 There was just the one copy , which limited readership somewhat . ’
3 At the extreme , nuclear power poses the risk that if the reaction inside the core should get out of control , or even if there was just the failure of a vital pipe or valve , even larger quantities of radiation would enter the human environment .
4 I excluded the whole of Scotland because she would have been a little too near home — even in Glasgow there was just the chance that someone might find her or she might bump into someone from home . ’
5 There was just the hint of a question in his tone .
6 Outside in the street the traffic might roar , here there was hush broken only by that soft subliminal music , outside the air might be heavy with the mingled smells of petrol fumes and donuts , Macdonalds ' burgers , trash cans , and sweat , here there was just the faintest perfume of a pine pot-pourri , subtle as the music .
7 Doyle realised that there was just the hint of a smell of animal about the man .
8 No , they ran across the top of the water and hammered desperately at the air with their wings and then , just when it was obvious they were n't going to achieve anything , they suddenly did ; the water dropped away and there was just the slow creak of wings pulling the goose up into the sky .
9 There was just the bed , a table , and a chair .
10 There was just the smell of the gunsmoke and the blood on his shirt and the killers had gone . ’
11 They cast a shadow a mile wide , within which there was just the howl of the gale , clouds of dust and the occasional flurry of hail .
12 Finally there was just the fitting of the cowlings for the last time .
13 There was just the summer-shrunken stream from which a pale mist drifted to lie in shadowy skeins across the plump fields of wheat and rye and barley .
14 There was just the erm Broomfield Staffield Tanys Dell erm Glebelands and that was the all the area that was built up when we came here .
15 Yeah there was just the church there
16 She did n't know how time passed , or how long it took the wild shrill crying to fade back into the sky ; but at last there was just the sound of the rain and the wind .
17 Otherwise there was just the mud , and the stones .
18 There was just the clumsy pushing , prodding .
19 There was just the touch he gave , disembodied , little rills of pleasure that seemed to be arriving from nowhere .
20 Er er there was just the one meal a day and a piece of bread and that was your lot .
21 People used all sorts of tricks and various types of equipment but here in this silent building there was just the pig , Lord Hulton and me .
22 There was just the one chef , and he was standing at what looked like a domestic range using a wire scoop in a king-sized wok .
23 " There was just the thing about the entrance fee , sir .
24 It would be a pretty terrible place , this boarding section , if there was just the headmaster and his wife . ’
25 After this narration , delivered at a slow pace , there was just the slightest pause in case the denouement , instead of being reached , was still to come .
26 Now there was just the matter of the snake .
27 There was just the faintest trace of hesitation behind his smooth approach , as if for once he was n't quite sure that was true .
28 If it had been later in the season , and the roses in full bloom , he might have missed the portal altogether , but there was just the one unopened bud on the bare branches , of a delicate peach shade with hints of rose which made him think of a girl 's skin .
29 Behind her , there was just the stillness .
30 But apart from that there was just the
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