Example sentences of "[ex0] [is] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Marineland , with its dolphinarium is in nearby Costa d'en Blanes so there 's plenty to visit while you 're here .
2 There 's plenty to go round . ’
3 There 's plenty to see and do in Hurricane , it 's a pinball freak 's dream come true .
4 There 's plenty to drink there . ’
5 There 's plenty to do here with a large pool and a terraced surround , pool table , indoor mini bowling alley , tennis court ( with floodlights ) and a lounge where snacks are available .
6 There 's plenty to do even if the sun stops shining .
7 There 's plenty to do in the evening at all our HCI Clubs .
8 North Yorkshire offers excellent possibilities for challenging walking but it 's also good to know that there 's plenty to do close at hand when the weather turns moorland expeditions into exercises in masochism .
9 And there 's plenty to do for non-sailing friends .
10 There 's plenty to do . ’
11 ‘ Oh , it was here long before us , sir , although there 's plenty asks if it 's called after our Mary . ’
12 But not to worry … there 's plenty survived the worst of the weather … and there 's much to admire for the committed gardener and the casual observer
13 Away from the hotel there 's plenty to discover as you ramble or cycle around this little island ( cars are not allowed ) .
14 There 's plenty left over . ’
15 Some of what they found has been reclaimed by its owners but there 's plenty left .
16 Its open to all anglers … and there 's plenty left
17 There 's plenty left over
18 There 's plenty going on i' Skipton . ’
19 And there 's plenty going on .
20 Well , Friday nights round here there 's plenty to make you feel like that ! ’
21 It 's difficult to say who is having most fun , but there 's plenty to grab the attention .
22 So all in all there 's plenty to read in this month 's Outdoor Action , with plenty of walking routes , a test on dome tents , our comprehensive rucksack gear guide and plenty of other outdoor pursuits .
23 But , but you ca n't go wrong , there 's plenty to eat in Blackpool can you ?
24 Yes , indeed , there 's plenty to show you . ’
25 I 'll tell you about Evan Roberts later , and there 's plenty to tell even to those who buy a magazine simply because it says Climber on the cover .
26 There 's plenty to warm up there !
27 There 's me thinking oh well I will give it to her cos
28 There 's me turning over the pancakes , hear the door moving .
29 And there 's me saying to Sid that .
30 Well , two or three years ago , I said to really mad , there 's me working full time , him on shifts and me Monday to Friday , nine till five , come Friday night I start and I spend the entire weekend washing , ironing , cooking , and
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