Example sentences of "[ex0] [prep] [be] a " in BNC.

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1 I thought that it was still possible for there to be a political link between the United Kingdom and India .
2 For a songwriter/artist who the music publisher believes has a good chance of success , it is quite usual for there to be a royalty split of 70:30 in favour of the writer .
3 For there to be a Europe-wide common standard of emissions , there must also be a common standard for fuel , as some types of fuel smoke worse than others .
4 ONE IMPORTANT QUESTION HAD TO BE SETTLED , once the Empire was reestablished : was there to be a coronation ?
5 In the years I have trained Rottweilers , I have always found there to be a barrier at a certain stage where the dog becomes stubborn .
6 There may be evidence of a urethritis in the female , but it is more common for there to be a cervicitis .
7 From the left bank of the canal , the green fields of Gloucestershire swept up in a gentle rise for half a mile , there to be a terminated by a line of stately elms .
8 He said : ‘ Lord Hunt will be looking at these and many other areas in which we expect there to be a lively public debate . ’
9 In making the decision the parents should bear in mind that once any kind of commitment to a religion is made , it is always more difficult for there to be a change of course , even when the commitment is made on behalf of the individual when a helpless baby .
10 I found a little bit of string choking on the upper three frets and on inspection , found there to be a slight bow to the neck .
11 They 've been living for the last ten years in an environment where they expect there to be a high level of occult activity in society .
12 It has been market practice in asset-backed transactions for there to be a mechanism whereby transactions can be mopped up when the balance of performing assets falls below a given level , usually 10% of initial principal .
13 ‘ Is there to be a war ? ’
14 ‘ Though definitely not young , that 's still not too old for there to be a considerable amount of resilience present .
15 That it must be language acquisition therefore which is taking place is clear , not only because of these simple observations but because of the fact that the rules of BSL have never been researched sufficiently until now for there to be a language learning situation .
16 It is also quite common for there to be a special pension scheme for executives and directors .
17 Key ways in which they have worked to lower costs are in reducing the prescribing rate ( which is often high in poorer areas ) ; increasing generic prescribing by informing people of the savings , addressing concerns , and , in the west midlands , offering laboratory analysis if patients believe there to be a difference in symptom control ; and providing draft formularies and guidance on their management .
18 I was glad that I was n't one of those Portuguese or Italians who only had to go three hours without shaving for there to be a blue carpet on their chin .
19 It may or may not be that he would have thought it necessary for there to be a ‘ natural resemblance ’ ( such as the Vatican Declaration believes to be necessary ) between the male Christ and the male priest .
20 In recent years there have been feminist theologians who , far from believing there to be a gap to be bridged between past and present , have emphasized rather the continuity to be found in the situation of women .
21 So , figure 2.1 shows a situation which is sufficient for there to be a natural monopoly , but it is not in fact necessary .
22 Here we might admit that my belief is true and justified but refuse to grant that I know there to be a sheep in the field .
23 It is impossible , therefore , for there to be a private language of the sort which the solipsist needs .
24 For instance , what it is for there to be a red rose in this darkened room is for it to be the case that if I were to turn the light on , I would make a certain observation , and if I were then to move to another place , I would make an observation rather different , and if you were to come in , you would observe such and such , and so on .
25 That being so , one should ask what are the preconditions for there to be a thinking society .
26 I feel that these difficulties have gone on too long for there to be a realistic prospect of change in time for these children and given their improvement whilst in foster care , where they are not brought up in their parents ' conflict , it is not in the children 's interests for them to go and live with the father and that they need to be placed in an environment with permanent substitute parents , who can meet the boys ' physical , emotional , educational and social needs .
27 If the father wished there to be a residence order and thus revocation of the care order it was , of course , necessary for him to have that order from the justices .
28 Well , nowadays , since they brought out the new law I think lesbian women and single women are being discriminated against because they see there 's some erm mythical er need for there to be a father figure around .
29 In such systems it is entirely feasible for there to be a plurality of owning or controlling groups , thus preventing any particular group from having a monopoly over goods or employment opportunities that would enable it to exercise coercion .
30 How this requirement is implemented will obviously vary enormously with the level of disability of individual residents and it is normally more economical in staffing terms for there to be a fairly even level of disabilities among the residents of one unit .
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