Example sentences of "[ex0] be only the " in BNC.

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1 But in Saussure 's system there are only the two terms , Signifier and Signified , with nothing in the third column .
2 But for now there are only the empty frames on the walls of the cinema and the rich maroon emulsion they are set against .
3 There are only the most macabre nursery overtones to these mice waiting — naked or in striped concentration camp pyjamas — to be shot , starved , clubbed or gassed .
4 Once here , there are only the most menial jobs open to them — shop-girls , domestic servants , seamstresses .
5 There are only the smallest of delicately dropped clues as to how and why they ended up with the social skills of a herd of rhinos .
6 Now there are only the all-consuming docks .
7 There are only the men whose dust you can see .
8 I like running on damp nights like last night because the streets are mostly empty , there are only the dogwalkers trailing past trees and lamp-posts , patiently disowning their pets .
9 But there were only the familiar guard towers , the blunted edge of the City 's walls , the setting sun .
10 There were only the crickets shrilling away to themselves in the bushes .
11 There were only the three of them . ’
12 The sound of the water faded , there were only the two of them locked in this tiny space , and suddenly it became difficult to breathe .
13 There 's only the slightest malfunction of the foot muscles , ’ he agreed .
14 There 's only the local GP here and twice a week a doctor from Poggibonsi does a round .
15 There 's only the public phone in the post office , and I 've just walked two miles to get to that .
16 In practice if there are beneficiaries who are capable of being consulted , it 's likely that one will say to those beneficiaries Right we need to raise some money , there 's only the shares to do it with , we 're proposing to sell them do you agree with that or would you prefer to have the shares and gives us some money ?
17 So if you gave that person ten shares , gave ninety shares to somebody else it 's a hundred percent in total , but if that person then dies cos you do n't want any of his relatives to have it then there 's only the ninety shares remaining and ninety shares will be one hundred percent .
18 There 's only the bottom
19 There 's only the bottom .
20 There 's only the bottom .
21 I stand listening for a moment — crying could ruin everything — but there 's only the rhythmic suck-suck , suck-suck , suck-suck as it breathes and sucks on the medicine .
22 But there 's only the slithery scratch of my pencil on this pad .
23 ‘ With no relatives on either side , there 's only the four of us , and we 've always been very close . ’
24 There 's only the castle grounds that 's a park in the city centre you 've got to pay a quid to go in there on Saturdays and Sundays and I think these trees really matter I am concerned and I 'm going to ask questions about them and I will talk to David about it as well although the leaf stem he can keep himself .
25 The back gate 's kept closed these days so there 's only the one way in and I have to tell the porter the name of anybody who 's coming — you know that . ’
26 ‘ Well , for a start , there 's only the three crossings out , are n't there ?
27 There 's only the one .
28 I think there 's only , there 's only the bed there left now
29 there 's only the bed there left
30 There 's only the the really
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