Example sentences of "[been] so [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 He 'd been so flattered by her unflagging attention , her unflagging efforts to please him , that he did n't have a clue who she was .
2 In an editorial on 2 November 1985 , headlined ‘ Unfinished Business ’ , it asked ‘ whether the structures and institutions of British life have been so shaken by six years of Mrs Thatcher that they can no longer fall back into their old ways — or whether more shaking is needed ? ’
3 The West Indies were back home and they restored some of their public 's faith that had been so shaken by their failures in the World Cup .
4 Out will go the flowery descriptions of aspects , views and outlook which have always been so derided by disappointed property viewers .
5 The traditional Roman Republican portrait was also problematic , since it had been so abused by Caesar .
6 A bonus was that he had been so fascinated by his earlier experience that his confidence in hypnotherapy as a whole had grown , and he was far more willing to undergo treatment than he might otherwise have been .
7 Perhaps he had been so fascinated by the sight of the advancing waters that he had delayed his escape too long .
8 If only all those years ago she had not been so strapped by convention .
9 He had been so butchered by shuriken stars that his corpse was a mere long mound of rashers glued by cinnabar .
10 A true representative is surely someone who is authorized to speak and act on behalf of those ( s ) he represents , and who has been so authorized by them .
11 The Dark Elves of Naggaroth had been so weakened by Tethlis 's onslaught that they were afraid to harry the realm .
12 Few Yek were happy at sea , and a ship-borne invasion of Y'frike years earlier had come close to failure at one point because the reinforcements delivered to its shores had been so weakened by the effects of their voyage .
13 Railwaymen who worked in the area had been so overcome by a feeling of evil that pervaded a particular location that they refused to work the night-shift that involved going near the place in question .
14 This was to assume that the Danish people would change their minds of their own volition ; that they had been so overcome by the enormity of what they had done that they would hardly be able to wait to get back to the polling stations to put it all right .
15 If the whole business was so easily explained , why had she been so affected by his first mention of it ?
16 Lorimer had apparently been so affected by what he 'd seen and heard in Lina 's room , he could barely speak .
17 The problem SAVE faced was that it had been so disfigured by later alterations that many people doubted it was of sufficient interest to merit saving .
18 The manhood of England has been largely alienated from the organised Churches because we have been so absorbed by the interests of the individual soul as to neglect the woes of society , and so preoccupied with the delights of heaven as to overlook some of the most urgent duties of earth .
19 Where the summons has been so sent by post and returned to the court office undelivered , notice of non-service ( N 216 ) is sent to the plaintiff saying that he may request bailiff service .
20 Already their numbers had been so diminished by persecution and by unfavourable trading terms in Henry III 's reign that the tallage which they paid annually to the king was less under Edward I than he might gain by seizing their estates and inducing a clerical subsidy by their expulsion .
21 He had been so blinded by his need for her light that he had failed to see how deeply he stood in her shadow , and his work had been frustrated thereby .
22 And , in an argument utterly characteristic of the mercantilist view of a conflict-ridden world , Norris raised the bogey of the old rival France ; he claimed that France 's naval power had been so strengthened by her own involvement in the slave trade that if Britain discontinued it not only would her commercial prosperity decline but she would lose naval predominance .
23 In doing so she is reviving the ‘ great divide ’ theory that has been so discredited by social anthropologists and sociolinguists .
24 It is not said on the form containing the request that the judicial view will be treated as confidential , but it has always been so regarded by the Lord Chief Justice and the judges .
25 Granada 's defence that the words were not intended to refer to the plaintiff and would not have been so regarded by reasonable viewers was rejected by the jury , after hearing that the officer had received " unpleasant and damaging " comments afterwards .
26 He had been so moved by reading Political Justice that in 1794 he had decided to found a Godwinian state in a remote part of America .
27 Where the summons has been so served by post and returned to the court office undelivered , notice of non-service is sent to the plaintiff ( N 216 ) .
28 Indeed , one scientist has been so misled by this grammatical similarity as to say that , given appropriate nerve graftings , two people could feel the same pain just as , if they looked in the same direction , they could see the same table .
29 If Cassie had not been so consumed by rage , she would have laughed at this last and patently childish remark .
30 His wheat and hay had all been so damaged by the rain that it was worthless .
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