Example sentences of "[been] say [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It has been said that nobody with eyes in their heads or any appetite for the oddities and splendours of the human achievement or the natural scene can possibly be bored in Edinburgh .
2 It has been said that everything everywhere affects everything else .
3 In another age and another society it might have been said that they loved each other .
4 As manufacturers of all kinds of stringed instruments , Harmony concentrated on mass production and made relatively cheap instruments ( it 's been said that they sat somewhere between Kay and Gibson ) .
5 It has been said that they show up as a striking pair with powers of × 12 or more .
6 Has it been said that they hope to repeat the experience or ?
7 It has been said that we can regard ATP as a common currency which must be spent to provide energy whenever it is needed — to drive chemical reactions , to cause muscles to contract , or to pump substances across membranes .
8 It has been said that what made John F Kennedy great was that he was the right man in the right place at the right time .
9 It has been said that it is best not to know too much about salami and other sausages , in the same way that ignorance about haggis aids its enjoyment and easy digestion .
10 It has been said that it is unsporting to receive help from another angler when you catch a fish .
11 In the annual report of the Ministry of Health it had been said that it was the practice , in some wards , to require a casual who was locked in a cell by himself to break a given quantity of stone , often very hard , down to a specified standard of size which was reached when it could be passed through a ring :
12 It has of course been said that it is possible to practice veterinary medicine and that many doctors do not communicate in any language but it has to be said that there is room for improvement .
13 I heard it had been said that it was discouraged but er
14 ‘ It 's been said that I am a much improved player this season ’ , Hamilton says , ‘ but I believe that the difference is merely that I am that much more confident .
15 Oh , we got plenty of help , and of course , it 's always been said that you do n't reveal a man 's past until he 's been found guilty of an offence , but our magistrates were all local shopkeepers you know
16 It had also been said that his father had been employed there .
17 It has often been said that his characters are " puppets " of his grand design , but his own vision necessarily makes them so .
18 It has been said that there is a period of about 5½ years , but it is very vague indeed .
19 It has been said that he understood the psychology of an orchestra better than almost any other conductor .
20 It has been said that he gave too much of himself in his idealistic way , and that the ‘ political football ’ aspects of the CBC in eastern Canada , where he was finally transferred , caused a breakdown in health and his early retirement .
21 It has often been said that he did not really have any very clear idea of what he wanted from his Council ; and as far as content goes , that may be true .
22 It has been said that he provided no leadership and lacked control of the episcopate , and it is clear that he waited on events in 1326–7 , only casting his lot with Isabella and Mortimer when the king 's cause was obviously lost .
23 If A had an honest doubt whether there was a contract at all between B and C it has been held that this would provide a good defence but if the doubt is whether A 's rights or C's under two inconsistent agreements should prevail and A chooses to adopt a course which on one view of the law will undoubtedly interfere with C 's rights , it has been said that he must at least show that he was advised and honestly believed that he was entitled to take that course .
24 It has already been said that your daily programme of language learning should include the ingredients of listening , mimicking , practice ( drilling ) and participating .
25 Others had been saying that nobody wore the Party badge any longer in Munich and that ‘ for a long while not a single person had believed anything the Führer had said ’ .
26 The Christians in Corinth were confused ; should they withdraw from such a society ; one party in the church seems to have been saying that they must , to avoid being defiled by all the ‘ isms ’ ( paganism , hedonism , animism , polytheism , … ) around them ; the other party was saying that contact with the non-Christian society around them was all right .
27 No , I 've been saying they booked me about two months ago and I 've been saying that they have a deposit
28 ‘ Even the gaffer has been saying that we have a half-decent team .
29 Years later , when I was with Sandford in the Second World War , he told me that people in Addis Ababa had been saying that I would not have one chance in ten of survival if I entered Aussa .
30 She said : ‘ I had just been saying that I was giving up the lotto , but my husband , Martin , encouraged me to keep trying . ’
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