Example sentences of "[been] at [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I 've been at him too much about the clan 's honour .
2 So that when Greg Hocking , after an evening marking essays , came in at nine-fifteen for a good night pint , his friend the landlord said : ‘ Your old girls have been at it today . ’
3 ‘ The number of times we 've made it up with her after falling out because of her trouble making , and in no time she 's been at it again .
4 ‘ Eh-up , Cupid 's been at it again , ’ Ben Bradshaw said in a lousy Yorkshire accent .
5 I see that the television game show that inspired letters to you recently has been at it again .
6 They been at it , have they been at it again ?
7 Yeah Becky the wrecker been at it again
8 Dressmaking mainly , but you know , anything at all , yeah , she 's been at it that long !
9 It is just that they have both been at it too often recently .
10 Most of them do it , he must have been at it quite a bit .
11 Champagne for breakfast , and he 's been at it ever since .
12 Coffin had been at it long enough to know that was the way truth lay , that in the untidiness lay the answers .
13 Five years you 've been at it now ; you should be a concert pianist , and you would be if you had practised . ’
14 Has the Bank Manager been at you again ? ’
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