Example sentences of "[been] at [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Could there have been at sometime a mill in that most attractive valley which runs northeast from the bridge over the burn near Lyrabus ?
2 Because the actual physical damage was so variable in its extent , it was immediately obvious to the early investigators that the almost total mortality was not solely the result of the force of the blast , since there would have been at least a few survivors in areas where the blast was less severe .
3 Rationalists and moralists have always been at least a little uneasy about admitting that so much that they most value comes out of the vast area of human behaviour which shares the spontaneity of physical events .
4 Something like the last few sentences must however have been at least a part of Tolkien 's intention .
5 A magazine rack overflowed with rolled newspapers : they had obviously arrived by post , but many were unopened , as though Reid had n't had time to catch up with news that must have been at least a month old .
6 Elizabeth is a 27-year old midwife who considers she has been at least a stone ( 14lb/6.5kg ) overweight since she was aged 16 .
7 He gazed at her without speaking for what must have been at least a minute .
8 British support alone would have been at least a mixed blessing .
9 ‘ There must have been at least a dozen of them , ’ I lied in mock modesty , ‘ and I doubt if four of them will live to greet tomorrow 's dawn . ’
10 That detective must have been at least a captain .
11 Another seven people murdered in Northern Ireland , a dreadful end to a dreadful week , and yet on Friday there had been at least a little optimism in the air , John Major and Albert Reynolds getting together in Brussels for what were billed as substantive talks , where does all that go now ?
12 It 's been at least an hour .
13 Previously there had always been at least the possibility that it might be wound up after its current voyages were complete but under Cromwell the traders reorganized its joint-stock system so that , while individual owners might sell their shares , the Company was designed to go on trading forever ; and almost all companies founded subsequently were organized in the same way .
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