Example sentences of "[been] at [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Still staring at Gwen , her thoughts in chaos , the knowledge that Leo 's interest had been at her parents ' instigation for the moment forgotten , she tried to work out what possible interest planning permission could have for Leo .
2 First she 'd learned that her grandmother , whom she adored , was dangerously ill , and had been at her bedside ever since .
3 Guilt because she had not been at her father 's side when death had sent him this violent warning .
4 He felt a pang of jealousy , which was intensified when he remembered the smart army officers who had been at her husband 's memorial service .
5 Nancy had been at her wits ' end and nobody seemed able to help .
6 This had come , very firmly , from Miss Vanessa , while she herself had been at her tapestry .
7 Alix , who had no idea of what the gossip was to be about , but who could sense its ominous crackling in the distance , wanted to go home , but tiresomely Brian , the party-hater , had managed to find his old friend Otto Werner and was deep in conversation about English social class , European intellectuals , the German education system , public schools , and the appointing of JPs and magistrates , a rich vein which they might have been able to explore for another hour at least , had Alix not been at their elbow , murmuring of departure .
8 Had the two been at their prime in the same era Scotland 's midfield would have made Dirty Harry look like a wimp .
9 The idea , however , that the rebels aimed to kill the King is unlikely — not only did the rebels show a positive loyalty to him at Mile End and Smithfield , and adopt as a watchword ‘ King Richard and the True Commons ’ , but they made no attempt to take vengeance on him for the death of Wat Tyler , when he could have been at their mercy .
10 If 5,000 people ring the Samaritans each day , within 15 years half the adult population of this country will have been at their wits ' end .
11 Mrs. Browne had been at their Mayfair flat and seen them all off together .
12 In that case , how does the hon. Gentleman explain how , under both the Labour Government and the Conservative Government , inward investment has been at its peak when there has been a floating currency , where that has been a possibility ?
13 As we saw in section 2.5 , the sectoral spatial division of labour was already beginning to break down in the UK during the post-war years when Fordism is supposed to have been at its height .
14 After the original grants to her supporters in the coup d'état of 1762 which placed her on the throne , Catherine made very few presents of this kind during the decade 1762–72 , when her dependence on noble support is usually supposed to have been at its height .
15 Fear had been at its pitch during the first few hours and days .
16 cleaning job at oogie erm er ooh Samantha 's been at me coat again .
17 Another , a younger man , had been at his elbow ever since .
18 It was the slumber of a man who had been at his cups for some considerable time .
19 She would have been at his mercy and she did n't suppose he had any such thing .
20 Geoff , who has been at his pub for 15 years , plans to leave in June .
21 He was hoping , no doubt , to be told that Mr Wilcox was n't in yet , so that he could leave a message for Vic to ring back , thus putting him on the defensive , knowing that his divisional chief knew that he , Vic , had n't been at his desk as early as him , Stuart Baxter .
22 It was a clear hour after Bissett would normally have been at his desk .
23 No , it would n't have surprised me if he 'd been at his easel while I was painting the town red !
24 Mr Ashraf 's family have been at his hospital bedside for much of the day .
25 He had been at his wits ' end , with no reply to Bigwig 's scornful impatience except his readiness to risk his own life in company with Fiver and Pipkin .
26 Dear little thing he was , just like Jenny had been at his age .
27 Presidential sources said Gen Eyadema , who seized power in a 1967 coup , had been at his quarters at the base during the attack .
28 In mitigation Ronald Coia said Mr Siddle had been at his son 's home but decided he had to get away from the festivities .
29 Detectives have been at his bedside in Middlesbrough General Hospital , where his condition yesterday was ‘ satisfactory ’ .
30 Neil 's mother Carole Holmes , of Sherburn Road , Durham , had also been at his bedside .
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