Example sentences of "he wants " in BNC.

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1 'E said 'e wants loads o' babies .
2 All 'e wants ter do is open up a gym club fer the local lads .
3 'E 's a man wivout pity an' 'e do n't care who 'e steps on ter get what 'e wants .
4 ‘ Every professional man knows , ( at least he ought to know ) that … a scene with the sun immediately behind him wants air , a quality generally considered as absolutely necessary … on the other hand if the sun is within his vision , it probably has too much .
5 He admits , however , to being torn over the interest rate argument ; part of him wants to see rates held to stabilise the economy , but he also wants to see quick cuts to boost business .
6 Part of him wants to get back to the security of home but he knows that after a few weeks there he might long for the contacts , communication and craziness of the multi-media scheme .
7 He wants to suggest the exclusive nature of that subliminal world — to dwell there , and to forget the conscious world .
8 He wants to escape to the world of memory-residues , of disconnected images , for that is the world of fantasy , the world of fairy-tales and myths …
9 He wants to go to university , turns up to listen to Einstein , studies hard ; but his father wo n't have it , and at the age of 14 he becomes a soap boy in a barber 's and then a presser in a garment shop .
10 By now Kapuscinski is on his ‘ last legs ’ , and he telexes Warsaw to say that he wants to leave and that it is ‘ more or less clear ’ that ‘ the Angolans will win ’ .
11 The novelist is less inward , less collusive , with her than he is with her husband — a relation fully consonant with Eric 's law of nature — but he wants her view to be respected , and works it too hard as a purchase on wrong thinking .
12 Throughout , Patrick is both the ‘ King of the World ’ that he wants to be — Glasgow belongs to him — and an abject sinner .
13 We will leave it to Goldberg to disengage the tone from the shit , he wrote , we will leave it to Honeyman and McGough , much good may it do them , though I will no doubt come back to the question before my project is completed , the big glass and the notes to the big glass , these two to be worked on at night , and this freewheeling commentary on both to be written by day , putting down whatever comes into my head after a night 's work , no correction , no revision , whatever comes into my head , the first two to be worked on by artificial light , the strategy clear , this by natural light wherever possible , no strategy at all , the first to be exhibited , the second to be published in the form of sheets in a box , a blue box or a red box , I have not yet made up my mind , in a limited edition , not a luxury edition but a restricted edition , five hundred boxes perhaps or even two hundred and fifty , all that will become clearer in the course of my work on the big glass , of my work on the notes to the big glass , now I have finally embarked on the major project of my life , the climactic project of my life , leading to the end of my life , all will grow clearer , wrote Harsnet , whether to try and call back and destroy all I have done till now or let it be , whether to burn this commentary or let it be , or perhaps leave it to Goldberg to do whatever he wants with , all these things will no doubt be resolved before the work is completed , that is the beauty of being in the middle of a project , that time itself , which had seemed such an enemy before I started , rushing forward and dragging me with it , impervious to my pleas , has suddenly turned friendly , flops down at my feet , licks my ankles , lets me know it is on my side .
14 ( For viewer to use if and when he wants . )
15 ‘ This person says he 's acting on your behalf and he wants to inspect all the mail .
16 Ask Paul and see what he wants to do . ’
17 He wants to do mine . ’
18 The national coach will give you some sequences to practise and these usually illustrate some theme that he wants you to work on .
19 But now he wants our young men , so he is gracious .
20 He wants the place .
21 ‘ He means he wants to stay in bed with Mary . ’
22 Though apparently free , it needs its controller ; but the controller must release it to the natural powers , the wind and the air-thermals , if he wants to enjoy its flights .
23 He wants photographs of them , information , he wants them to be well .
24 He wants photographs of them , information , he wants them to be well .
25 He wants to know where they are living and what they are thinking .
26 It 's the player with purpose , whose return is going to be where he wants it .
27 Such a lonely figure is always pathetic because whatever he wants proves impossible to have .
28 Ross explains the process precisely in pointing out that most guidebook history is written from the editor 's perspective , and he believes what he wants to believe .
29 He does n't mean that he wants to become mature or to quell the beast within or anything else comfortable to the understanding .
30 He rubs it absently , accosting strangers in the street , seeking out a friend and within minutes exclaiming that he wants to be by himself , watching children wistfully , accusing wellwishers of persecuting him with their kindness ; until at last he explodes on the brink of confession in a terrible universal cry : ‘ Oh , if only I were alone and nobody loved me , and if only I had never loved anyone ! ’
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