Example sentences of "he ever " in BNC.

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1 Did n't 'e ever find out ? ’ the carman asked .
2 It had been given particular poetic stimulation a few months earlier when , at 15 , and musing in a second-hand bookshop in the city , he had come across a book of poetry by the Spanish poet , Federico Garçia Lorca , a book he has carried with him ever since , as Manzano records .
3 He got off the mark with an uppish straight drive for four , which might have given a less myopic bowler than Malcolm a return catch , and in Malcolm 's next over , he attempted a square slash which , if he had got an edge , might have prevented him ever setting foot in India again .
4 The fact that I had so little self-control seemed to be irritating him ever so slightly .
5 Leila did n't have the heart to tell him she doubted whether there 'd be much opportunity for him ever to do that , at least while he was helping her with Ari .
6 The newspapers had been trying him ever since his arrest .
7 He does n't tell us anything about that side of things but I ca n't imagine him ever finishing with someone .
8 And , looking down at the still-outstretched arm , the glazed and open eyes , the great scarlet pool soaking into the earth , she knew that it was a body , that he had gone for ever , that there was nothing she need fear from him ever again .
9 Tamar 's description , to him and Elizabeth , had been too vivid for him ever to confuse it .
10 He got hold of the picture , found it was just Elvis snipped from a magazine , confronted the girl , and she conceded , accompanying him to the dance : ‘ I guess I 've had a connection with him ever since , ’ he says .
11 My friend answered that he would n't for the life of him ever tinker with such a volcano : ‘ If I did , ’ he said , ‘ the whole man might fall apart . ’
12 Few of the friends who had written complimentary tributes to Smart at the time of his release from Dr Battie 's asylum expected him ever to be able to write again .
13 She had n't called him ever since she had insulted him .
14 He guessed his mother was making it all up just to frighten him and to stop him ever going out of the house alone .
15 The German chocolate magnate Peter Ludwig , gargantuan collector , founder of museums and museum wings and lender to others ( The Art Newspaper No. 23 , December 1992 , p. 12 ) , wrote his thesis in the 1940s on Picasso and has collected him ever since .
16 His expedition took him ever onward to the cold colonies of the northern New World .
17 The enemy horsemen were silhouetted on the southern skyline and Sharpe suspected they must have been trailing him ever since he had emerged from the trees .
18 Artemis could not remember him ever giving her anything ever before .
19 The perception of social advantage in general abstention from collective bargaining is too remote from the circumstances of the individual worker for him ever to support through the ballot box a general prohibition on trade unions , let alone to abstain privately from their immediate protection in a world where there is no reason to expect other workers to confer a reciprocal advantage on him by similar abstention .
20 Eb Judge had carried that secret with him ever since .
21 Somehow I ca n't imagine him ever giving money away — except by mistake on a race course or at the gambling tables !
22 Do n't let him ever remember what the sun-god told him , or it will be the worse for you . "
23 Ca n't remember him ever talking to me about this .
24 It would of course be completely outside the spirit of our style of proof system for him ever to do this . )
25 ‘ I 've been crazy about him ever since the first time I saw him . ’
26 It was one which she had been longing to ask him ever since the night on which he had come home so late , just before she had turned off all the gas-lamps .
27 And she did n't want to be at odds with him , did n't want him to think her a cheat — only what were the odds on him ever believing otherwise ?
28 Any question of him ever having had any dealings with our British friends ? ’
29 He was sealed in there to prevent him ever telling of Rassilon 's great mistake .
30 He climbed seemingly endless stairways leading him ever upward .
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