Example sentences of "[been] [verb] [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I was just saying to Malcolm how surprised I 'd been to see so many your men at Doreen 's funeral , but I shut up when the police arrived .
2 The economic history of Byzantium has in the past been examined too much in isolation from the general course of medieval economic history .
3 So it was only in the nineteenth century when all the loopholes had been stopped up that marriage became in fact what it had always been in theory , indissoluble .
4 Perhaps it is because the fishermen have been demonstrating so much recently that they have not been catching so much fish . ’
5 The aircraft had been flown already that day , before refuelling for Herr Hess 's trip , and the motor was still warm .
6 You 've just been seeing too many films .
7 When they have been eating out all the time they have been away , and are longing for an evening at home , the suggestion does not go down well .
8 During the 20th century the average person in Western society has been eating too much fat and too little fibre .
9 That 's probably the trouble if you 've been eating too much .
10 It amazed me to think that even though the gay bar had been situated up those dark stairs for many years , the straight men downstairs managed to keep up the impetus so that no queen should pass without an insult .
11 People will have been queueing up this morning to buy these stamps .
12 The pressure which had been building up all weekend was nearing some sort of explosion .
13 Although some have done this display before , the tension 's been building up all week .
14 Tension 's been building up all week .
15 The cloth could have been placed there half an hour or so later . ’
16 There was no covert there larger than an acre or two and they had been placed as much for their scenic effect as for their game-preserving role .
17 Little by little , the story pieces together the trials of this greedy and repulsive rag of a man , who assumes the name of Gemmy Fairley : his terrible early life as a rat-catcher 's assistant in England , where he had been treated as little better than a beast of burden by his loathed master , Willett ; how he managed to survive as a stowaway on board ship in order to escape the consequences of the revenge that he wreaked upon his master ; his arrival in Australia and his early life there , lived among the aborigines .
18 As has been pointed out many times in the past , sport is n't played on paper , it 's played on grass .
19 The amplifier will then have been adjusted so that zero field corresponds to zero output , the first step in achieving calibration .
20 Clerk of the course Nick Lees said : ‘ It has been raining heavily all day and we had no option but to abandon the meeting . ’
21 Perhaps Dorothy had been shielded too much , and again in her marriage she had been protected , so that there had been nothing in her life to prepare her for what was happening now .
22 In England this system has not been developed so much as in other countries .
23 ‘ Quite frankly , Elinor- and in confidence — STG has been handling too many criminal cases for my liking .
24 Which should have been done a long time ago , and I 've been given yet another extension .
25 If they should have been given even more ‘ porridge ’ , then their belief that their own status made them beyond the rule of law was insufficiently punished .
26 The new audience was a mass audience but no previous audience in history had ever been given so much careful attention .
27 Melanie had never been given so much as a sixpence for herself all the time she had been at the shop .
28 Seldom can a chancellor have been given so much advice , some of it sought , some of it gratuitous — and , as is the way with this subject , much of it conflicting .
29 Seldom can a chancellor have been given so much advice , some of it sought , some of it gratuitous — and , as is the way with this subject , much of it conflicting .
30 The attitudinal function has been given so much importance in past work on intonation that it will be discussed separately in this chapter , though it should eventually become clear that it overlaps considerably with the discourse function .
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