Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday police were still combing the area for any similar devices which may have been hidden and for further clues .
2 Nevertheless in recent years considerably more interest has been aroused and in at least some cases governments and international agencies are showing themselves willing to put real money into research .
3 This is especially clear in the later stages of the market , when the relatively simple relations of speculative production have been joined and in many areas replaced by planned marketing operations in which certain types of work are positively promoted , of course with the corollary that other types are left at best to make their own way .
4 I was staggered to realise I had been honoured and to this day I do n't know who put me forward . ’
5 Now the driver of the car had been traced and in a few minutes would be appearing at committal proceedings in the Magistrates ' Court on charges of dangerous driving , failing to report an accident , and failing to stop at the scene of an accident .
6 They have been conserved and in the main appear green .
7 The simplest answer to the question about what causes the sleep/wake rhythm to arise is that it is a reflection of the rhythmic world in which the newborn child has been placed and to which it begins to respond .
8 The major field monuments , which are better documented , almost certainly provided the foci in the landscape , around which such subsistence settlements would have been placed and to which they would have looked for some specialised goods and services .
9 Basal guanylate cyclase activity was lower in homogenates from coeliac disease patients who had not been treated than in those from patients who had been treated and from control subjects , though the differences were not statistically significant ( Table I ) .
10 Both cAMP and cGMP values were significantly higher in duodenal mucosa homogenates from coeliac disease patients who had not been treated than in those from patients who had been treated and from control subjects ( Table II ) .
11 I agree with both the judgments that have been given and with the reasons given in those judgments for allowing this appeal .
12 Elsewhere , new brickwork flanking circulation spaces and certain living-rooms has been painted and in every flat at least one wall-panel of the original brickwork is left exposed .
13 The lands to the north and east of a line joining these two houses had in the ninth century been conquered and to some degree settled by pagan Scandinavians , who had destroyed the existing monasteries and several of the bishoprics , and such evidence as there is suggests that the Christianity practised within them retained aspects upon which the stricter kind of churchman would have frowned .
14 All the processes that follow apply to wood that has been stripped and to articles made with new wood .
15 The dramatic succession of disposals from the TI Group , following Sir Christopher Lewinton 's appointment , has been completed and in 1991 the group 's entire £900m turnover came from continuing operations , whereas in 1987 , £394m came from continuing operations and £462m from discontinued operations .
16 It is , of course , desirable to check that nothing has been forgotten and to this end it is usual to ask an operator to go through the designed procedure while observing what he does and also observing that the system performs as expected .
17 By 1801 , not only had the conflicts between monarch and nobility over the extraction and use of rents and taxes , and the respective rights and duties of each , largely been resolved and in the process made irrelevant , but also the industrial revolution was well under way , establishing the basis for the growing political ascendancy of the industrial classes over both monarchy and aristocracy .
18 If the judge awarded damages to the petitioner on the grounds that there was no compromise or that the compromise had been cancelled and on the grounds that the respondents had been guilty of misconduct in the Clearwater transaction , then the respondents could have appealed to the Court of Appeal and either party , losing before the Court of Appeal , could have appealed to the Privy Council as of right and on that appeal all three issues , the compromise issue , the cancellation issue and the misconduct issue could have been argued .
19 The new EGs have been rethought and in part redesigned with a less obvious PRS body style .
20 Though primarily a commentary on Henry II 's government in England , the Policraticus used the terms of Roman law , princeps for ruler and provincia , province , for the area of his rule ; these suggest that John also intended his book to be relevant to France , the land in which he had been educated and to which he was to return as bishop of Chartres .
21 To handle these , a separate telephone line with a twenty four hour answering machine service has been installed and to each individual is sent a list of stockists for their local area , together with a covering letter .
22 But by that time stadia had been booked and in most cases new arrangements could not be made .
23 Pizzorno argues that the modern underdevelopment of the south of Italy can only be understood in terms of the historical relationship of area to the locations of power and productivity by which it has been dominated and to which it has been marginal .
24 Within seconds he had been substituted and within minutes a goal almost came about at the other end .
25 somebody came to settle up bang and he was playing thinking he 'd just been wounded and in fact he 'd been shot and killed , poor chap
26 The state of emergency has been lifted and in part some of the segregation has been stopped .
27 The Ministry is one for which Mr Toubon has long been prepared and in which he is determined to make a mark , despite the obvious difficulties of taking over from such an active and popular man as Jack Lang .
28 Despite CBoT/CME cooperation thereafter , several launch dates for the new electronic global trading system have been missed and as a result other exchanges have lost interest in the concept or decided to develop their own in-house electronic system .
29 But this account of achieving grace by the easy means of a self-chosen deprivation did nothing to mitigate the deeper shame ; some original wrong had been done and at home this was known .
30 In the slide in which I showed the overall results it appears that about half the patients , the erm marker tumour had been eradicated and in quite a lot of patients there were tumours present .
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